It's 11:56 and Troye will be here any minute. I'm not sure where he's taking me, so I dressed casually. I wore a white t-shirt, an army green jacket, a dark pair of jeans, and some black vans. I stared at the clock impatiently, smiling. Troye makes me happy, he is my happiness. I was interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly got up and answered it, to see the beautiful ocean eyes not staring down at me. "Hey Connie" he said, smiling wider. "Hey" I said, returning the smile. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied walking out the door, closing it and locking it behind me. "You look cute" he commented, before rushing ahead to open my door. "Thanks" I said, feeling my cheeks grow red as I got into his car. He closed the door and went to his side of the car, where he got in. "So where are we going?" I asked as he pulled out of my driveway. "To get lunch and the rest is a surprise" he said, before turning up the radio. We listened to Ruth B and Hasley on the way to wherever Troye was taking me.

We pulled up at a small cafe. It looks very cute and vintage. We got out of the car and made our way inside. "It's cute, right?" He asked as we walked to a small booth in the corner. "Yeah, I really like it" I said before sitting down. He sat down beside me and as waitress came by. "Hi my name is Trisha! And I'll be your waitress today, now what would you like?" She said perkily. I peaked at the menu, and decided what I wanted. "I want a Carmel creamed coffee, and two Nutella pancakes" I said, waiting for Troye to speak. " I also want two Nutella pancakes, and I want a hot chocolate, no marshmallows, but whipped cream instead please" he said sweetly. "Okay!" She said before scurrying off to put in our order. I felt Troye shoot closer to where or thighs were touching. He looked over at me and smiled. "You have very pretty eyes" I blurted out. His smile grew, "Yours are far prettier" he replied. "But they're so green" I whined. "I think greens a lovely color, it reminds me of the forest" he said lifting my chin up. "Your eyes remind me of the ocean, but also like the sky" I murmured barely audible to myself. But of course he heard, he always does. We stayed in a comfortable silence, as we waited for our food. Finally the waitress- Trisha -came back with our food and drinks. She sat the plates and cups in front of us, where she also left a bill. "If you guys need anything I'll be up and around, and when you're ready you can pay at the front and leave". We both just nodded as she walked away. I went to reach for the bill, when I felt a hand stop me. "I'll pay, let's just eat for now" he insisted. "Are you sure?" I asked nervously. "Positive" he replied reassuringly. We both ate our pancakes and sipped on our beverages, as we made small talk.

After eating, we went to the front where Troye paid, before walking out. I tripped and thought for sure that I was gonna fall, when I felt Troye grab me by my waist. "Woah there" he said pulling me up. I was standing on my feet, but he kept his arms around me. I didn't try to resist, but instead laid my head back on his shoulder. "You're so little in my arms" he said quietly beside my ear. I just hummed in response. When he let go, we finished the route to his car, before driving of. He said it was a surprise, so I didn't bother asking, but stayed quiet instead.

After driving for about 15 minutes, we arrived at a beautiful lake. The water was crystal clear and beautiful. I starred in awe, before Troye opened my door and said "Are you coming or not?". I nodded and he giggled. He grabbed my hand and started running, "Let's go!" He yelled. I ran with him, the both of us laughing. He turned around to look at me and lost balance before falling backwards, pulling me with him. I landed on top of him. We both started to burst out laughing. I was laying over him in a straddling position, starring into his beautiful eyes. I watched as his eyes flickered to my lips, then back up to my eyes, signaling that he wanted me to kiss him. So I leant down and placed my lips on his gently. I kissed him a few more times, before getting up and helping him up with me. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Because it's a special place for me, my family always took me here and we'd rent a cabin for summer vacation" he said. "I love it here" he added. "I think it's beautiful, but you should of told me and I would have brought my bathing suit" I whined. He just giggled cutely. "You don't need a bathing suit to go swimming" he insisted. I watched as he took of his shirt, shoes, and pants. Before jumping into the water. "It's rude to stare, ya know?" He said giggling. I felt my face turn red. "Come on innn" he insisted. I sighed, and started to take off my shirt, when I remembered... My scars... I quickly stopped the action and started to freak out. Troye rushed out of the water and to my side. "Shit, I forgot. I'm so sorry Connor" he said placing his hands in my cheek. "I-I'm sorry, maybe a-another day" I stuttered, regaining my breath. "Of course" he said. He grabbed his clothes and held my hand as we walked back to his car.

The car ride back was quiet, but his hand never left mine. Once we reached my house, I unlocked my door and went inside. Troyes hand was still holding mine. "Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow morning before school?" He offered, breaking the silence. I nodded and laid my head on hides chest. He played with my hair and left soft kisses on my forehead. I want this forever, I want him forever. I smiled, before turning my head to look at him. "I had a lot of fun today, regardless of what happened" I said honestly. He kissed my cheek and said "I'm glad". I furrowed my eyebrows, before laughing. "What?" He asked. "You missed" I said referring to where he kissed me. He must have got the hint, because he leaned down and kissed me. After kissing me, he peppered my face with little kisses, before laying one last kiss on my lips. "You make me feel loved" I mumbled against his lips. "Good" he replied quietly.

After stealing a few more small kisses, he said "I better get going". I just sighed and nodded, before letting him up. "Before I go... Will, you be my boyfriend?" He asked sweetly. "Of course" I replied almost immediately. I gave him one last kiss before saying my goodbyes. "See you tomorrow" he said. "See you tomorrow" I replied. See him tomorrow...

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