Author's Note

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Hello Dear Readers.  I have decided to finally write the novella that I have been thinking of writing for the last several years.  Since it is NaNoWriMo time, I thought this would be the perfect time to write this story that has been lingering in the back of my mind.

This story is set during the time of the Sumerian Civilization of Mesopotamia.  Not a popular or very well known region or time frame to be sure, but one that I find intriguing.  I tend to be a stickler for historical accuracy; however, I will be taking some creative license with some of the historical details for the sake of the story. 

The story takes place during the Akitu Festival which was the New Year for the Sumerians.  It was a twelve day religious and social festival which began during the Spring Equinox.  On the tenth day of the festival was the hieros gamos, or the Sacred Marriage between the goddess Inanna and her husband Dumuzid.  The high priestess and the king would take on the roles of the goddess and her consort for the night and have sexual relations as part of the religious ceremony.   This was to insure the fertility of the harvest.  It is also thought that new kings established their legitimacy as rulers  by taking part in the ceremony by taking the place of Dumuzi in the temple for one night on the tenth day of the New Year festival.  The exact nature of the Sacred Marriage (if sex actually played a part or if it was symbolic) is hotly debated by scholars and historians.  For the sake of this story,  sex between the two will be required as part of the ceremony.  ;)

I will be mixing a few overlapping elements from the various civilizations that arose out of Mesopotamia (Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, etc.).  Many of these early civilizations adopted the cultural norms of previous groups and incorporated these elements into their own culture.

On another note, Ziggurats were solid buildings with no inner rooms (unlike the pyramids of Egypt).  In my story, there will be rooms and secret chambers so as to help move the story along. 

Everything else will be as historically accurate as possible. 

This will be an erotic love story between my two main characters.  While there will be a HEA (happily ever after) ending, sex and sexuality will place a major role.  So if you love intrigue, mystery, adventure, strong female characters, alpha males, and hot, steamy sex, set during historical times, this is the story for you.  

                                                              Inara and her twin Asharru  

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                                                              Inara and her twin Asharru  

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