Chapter 3 - Vow

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Inara looked the king in the eye as she contemplated her answer. Her mind quick as she thought over all the ramifications of what she was suggesting; discarding all options after weighing the pros and cons, save one. She knew what she was suggesting could have lasting ramifications for her personally, but the needs of the many far outweighed her own needs. She could not sacrifice the lives of the innocent for her own personal comfort, nor could she allow the would-be murderers of her sister to escape her wrath.

"I am sure my king. I understand completely what I am suggesting and I am willing to do what is necessary to prevent a war, and to find the ones who harmed my sister. Whether you like it or not, I will be hunting down the conspirators – with or without your help."

Sin took a step forward, all but crowding her against the wall, refusing to release her as he leaned down until their faces were mere inches apart, "We will have sex, Inara, and the consequences of such an act may result in a child. Do you think I will allow any child of mine to be taken from me? I will claim that child, and should that child prove to be a male he will be my heir, can you live with that? Think carefully before you speak."

Inara felt as if her heart had been pierced by an arrow. An image of a little baby flashed threw her mind; a moment of longing gripped her at the thought of creating such a precious little innocent life. If the gods blessed their union with a child, she could not find it in her to regret such an outcome, though the fallout that her heart would take from having the child taken from her would surely devastate her. It was some comfort that at least her child would have her sister in their life, if she lived that is.

Taking a deep breath, she said firmly, "That is the chance that I am willing to take my king. Though the possibility is remote, a child may well be conceived. I would only ask that should a child result from our union that you allow my sister to be a part of the child's life, so that it may know me through my sister."

For what seemed like hours, though in truth it was no more than several seconds, Sin stared into her eyes. It was as if he was searching the truth of her resolve down to the depths of her soul. Whatever he saw there apparently appeased him, for he gave her a quick nod. "So be it. I swear that if there is a child from this union, that child will be my heir, and that it will know you."

He stepped back from her, releasing his grip on her chin. She found herself missing the warmth of his body almost immediately, why that was she dared not dwell on; she had more important things to worry about. "Now my lord, we need to go over how we plan to carry out our mission. I would suggest that we go somewhere private, one never knows who is friend or foe at this point."

"Inara, the men with me in this room I trust as if they were myself, can you say the same for the women with you?"


"Good, gather your women and give them whatever orders you need to while I speak with my men, then we will go and speak privately."

Sin walked over to the door and gathered his men around him, speaking softly so that she could barely make out what he said to them. Four men went out the door to guard the corridor on both ends. Inara sent six of her women out to various parts of the ziggurat with instructions to keep the temple priestesses and priests from venturing down this part of the temple. She made sure that her women were told to give the same story; that they had been invited to participate in festivals at the request of the high priestess.

Once the women and men scattered to perform the various duties that had been assigned to them, she knelt beside her sister's bed. Taking her hand, she watched as Puabi methodically made her sister drink the potion she made at regular intervals, keeping an eye on her fever and breathing.

She was unaware of the tears that slid down her face until her sister raised a trembling hand and softly wiped one away. Pressing her hand to her cheek, she prayed to the gods to save her sister, promising them anything in exchange for her sister's life.

She could not lose her sister. Her heart had already been shattered once by the death of their parents when they were young, murdered in a raid on their small village that saw everyone she had known and loved butchered by marauding bandits. She could not bear to have history repeat itself.

Stealing herself from falling into despair, she reminded herself that she was no longer a helpless child; she had made herself a warrior. The Sword of Inanna. She would shield her sister, and find the ones who had harmed her. Vengeance would be hers.

Sin came up behind her and leaned over, covering their entwined hands with his own in a protective gesture. Seeing that Asharru was focused on their hands, a strange look passed through her eyes before she gave a ghost of a smile. Looking up at him, she rasped, "My lord, I pray for you to look after my she will look after you."

"None of that, Ash," she scolded gently, the familiar argument bringing her some small comfort, "I am the elder sister; it is my duty to protect you."

"We protect...each other, though I was always the better cook," she teased.

Inara pressed a kiss to her hand, unable to tease her sister back without giving way to useless tears. She had failed to protect her sister, thinking her safe as the new high priestess of Inanna; but she had failed in her duty. It was blow to her heart; it should have been her fighting for her life, not her sister who was the kindest soul she knew. They had always joked that her sister was the honey to her vinegar.

"Asharru, I give you my word, we will find who did this to you and I will protect your sister, now rest and heal for we need your light in this world," Sin vowed.

Nodding, Asharru closed her eyes and fell into a fitful doze. Standing, Inara followed Sin out the chamber, already plotting her next move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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