Chapter 2 Sin

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Sin stopped in his tracks, unprepared at seeing two copies of Asharru – one dressed as a warrior of Inanna and one lying weakly on her bed – before him. "What is the meaning of this?"

"My lord Sin. Thank the gods! Arrest this woman, she has violated the sanctity of the temple, assaulted me and harmed the high priestess," cried Gemekala.

Sin turned to the priestess who made the stunning accusations, taking in her wet appearance. Looking over to the other priestesses who were tied and gagged, he was momentarily at a loss for words. Before he had a chance to speak, the warrior version of Asharru snorted, drawing his attention back to her.

"Your highness, I would tread carefully if I were you. That one is a viper. My sister has been poisoned, and she had a hand in that treachery."

Sin turned to the warrior woman and demanded, "Who are you?"

"My name is Inara. I am a warrior of Inanna and twin of Asharru," she said, pride in heavy in her voice.

Sin turned to his personal guard and ordered his men to stay back and secure the room, no one was leaving until he got to the bottom of this mess. Sin made his way over to Asharru. Kneeling by her bed, he gently took her hand in his. She was pale as she labored to breath. He felt the unnatural heat of her skin, it burned like the fire pits of his blacksmith forge. How she still lived was a mystery to him. "Asharru, can you hear me?"

Asharru slowly opened her eyes. It took a moment for her to focus on the king. When she realized who held her hand, she weakly clutched it, desperate to speak to him. "My king, thank the gods."

"My lady, if you can, tell me what has happened to you."

In a soft whisper, she said, "Poisoned...if my sister hadn't intervened...I would be dead...she can be trusted in all matters...please...we are one and the same...treat her as you would treat me...listen to her...she knows and is able to take my place..."

With that, the last of her strength left her, leaving her faint and weak. It sent fear and anger through several people in the room; though Sin did notice out of the corner of his eye the malicious smirk that twisted the lips of the bedraggled priestess.

Inara stepped forward, "Enough. We must treat her before it is too late. Puabi, is it ready?"

"Yes. We must give it to her now if we are to save her."

"Do it."

Sin stepped back to allow the healer room to care for Asharru. He watched as she brought a cup to Asharru, helping her to sit up as she slowly drank from the cup. Turning away from the bed, he motioned for Inara to follow him to the farthest corner in the room.

He stood in front of her, easily blocking her from the view of the others with his massive frame. Her petit frame barely came up to his chest, it made him acutely aware of the frail form of Asharru. It sent a wave of anger through him, whoever had harmed the high priestess would pay dearly for their treachery. He would show them no mercy. However, from the look of barely concealed rage in Inara's eyes, he may have to wait his turn. If there was anything left for him.

"Now, tell me what you know so far," he ordered.

He listened as Inara told him all of the events prior to his arrival. The anger building in him, threatening to take over. There was more at play here then a power play for control of the temple. "You said you sent one of your followers to the kitchens?"

"Yes, sire. She followed you and your men in."

He turned and motioned for the woman to come to them. Inara turned to her, "Aya, what did you find out from the kitchens?"

"It as the young girl, Ninlil said, the meal had been prepared by the sanga. No one else had access to it as it was prepared. The cooks said that the sanga wanted to make a special meal for the high priestess for the start of the festival. She would not allow any of the cooks to help or to see what she prepared. They found it strange as it is well known how the sanga looks down on menial labor such as the preparation of food. She usually orders other to do such tasks. Ninlil did bring the food to your sister after the sanga prepared it."

Sin listened to report. His mind turning over all the facts. The timing of the past few events left no doubt in his mind that this treachery went beyond the temple priestess. As he was a new king, he expected his position to be challenged, just not in such a method. He had no mercy for cowards who thought to attack him in this way. To attack a woman – a priestess – was one of the lowest forms of cowards.

"Thank you, Aya. Go back to the others while I speak with your mistress."

Bowing, Aya left them in the relative privacy of the farthest corner of the room. "Asharru said that you know what is at stake. Tell me what you make of this situation."

Inara locked eyes with him, impressing him with her courage. Not many were able to face him and hold his gaze, most were intimidated by his size and the scars that crisscrossed his body. A sign that he was first and foremost a warrior, battle tested many times over as his body could attest.

"It would seem that your position is being challenged in a bid to take over the city. The very city is under attack. If you and Asharru cannot complete the fertility ceremony, the crops will fail, the city will suffer, the people will rebel and the city will be under siege by her enemies. What better way to conquer Uruk than from within after it has fallen into chaos?"

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