|The Criminal|

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Full Name: "Tch, like I'd tell you." ((Bryan Richards))

Gender: He growls, crossing his arms. "Idiot." ((Male))

Age: "Freaking leave me alone already." ((21))

Species: "The heck!?" He shouts. ((Demon))

Appearance: "I'm right in front of you, stupid." ((Media))

Personality: He ignores you and looks away. ((Rude, ignorant, violent, shows no sympathy towards others, even if he feels sympathetic))

Backstory: He scowls. "Shut up, dumbo." ((His family died in a car accident recently, so he was taken to an orphanage. He ran away from it and began living by himself))

Powers: "None of your business." ((Transforming into his demon form, can suck blood, super strength))

Job: He shook his head. ((None))

Other: "We done now?" ((None))


1. Your grandmother had given you a diamond necklace, telling you to keep it safe. Ever since she passed away, you would carry it everywhere you went. You were in your room, sitting and staring at the necklace for a long time, remembering the last memories of your grandmother. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang and you went downstairs to open it, leaving the necklace. It turned out to be no one and when you went back for your necklace, it was gone and the window was open.

2. Make your own up!

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