|The Player|

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Name: "Tristian Marks, sweetie. What about you?" He smiles, ready to listen. ((Tristian Marks))

Gender: "Come on, darling, I'm right here." He says, chuckling lowly.

Age: "Almost a legal adult." He says proudly. ((17, almost 18))

Species: "I'm a human, but you sure look like an angel." He answers, a grin on his face. ((Human))

Appearance: "Aw Babe, I'm right in front of ya." ((Media))

Personality: "What's there to know, eh? We have each other." ((Flirty, charming, loves to flatter and make girls swoon, and is a playboy. He usually dates a girl for a week and then breaks up with them))

Backstory: "Why does that matter?" He asks, tilting his head. ((It's nothing complicated, he just lives with his family in a big house))

Powers: He runs a hand through his hair. "You haven't noticed it yet?" ((None, but likes to show off his muscles, looks, etc. and call it a power))

Job: "Why, I'm the one who works at the gift shop near the beach." ((Gift shop))

Other: He shrugs. ((None))


1. You were in the hallway in between classes, casually walking towards your next class when a blonde guy nearby looks at you, smiling in satisfaction. You had noticed him looking at you and you turn to face him. He winks, admiring your beauty. You soon get settled into class and he takes the seat next to you. You...

2. You were at the beach, having a great time with your friends. You all decided to take a break and get some snacks. You each get a can of soda and some popcorn, strolling across the beach. You stop at a gift shop, noticing a stunning ruby necklace. You...

3. Make your own up!

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