Fallen Angel

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I started as an angel, born into the pureness of happiness and light.

As I grew older, still a small child.  I looked down and saw shackles had been placed on my feet.

I asked the ones closest to me why this had happened. Why they had trapped me.

They told me it was normal, that this was how the world worked.

I stayed like that for years, learning slowly of what had really happened.

I was unable to fly away into the light I wished so badly to see again.

After all the years bound to the ground I was finally strong enough to break free from the shackles.

I flew, knowing not of what would happen, simply grasping for something I couldn't quite reach.

My beautiful white wings taking me higher and higher.

Still I could not tune out the voices of the earth and hell.

Demons voices keeping me awake and haunting my nightmares.

One day I broke. I was tired and shattered from trying to keep going.

I was abandoned and the monsters welcomed me, so I gave in and fell.

My beautiful white wings shattering into pieces, leaving me and letting me fall to the harsh ground again.

Everything changed then for I didn't just fall to the ground, I hit the earth and when I did I went lower into the depths of hell.

In the darkness my wings grew back but instead of a magnificent, pure white they came back the color of darkness and death resembling that of a ravens.

I was clothed in sin and despair, emerging onto the earth no longer young and beautiful but tainted and knowing of darkness, taking on the everlasting title
'The Fallen Angel'.

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