Food Like Poison

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Food like poison, uneatable and revolting. Unable to look without the sight making me have to turn away

The smell that just weeks ago would have been delicious and desired, now makes me sick and disgusted

Since as long as I can remember food has hated me and toyed with me, like a cat and its victim, ready to pounce at any moment without warning and then only to let go again in a never ending game

Sometimes I'm perfectly fine and can eat like anyone else and then out of the blue without reason I suddenly can't, tasting a bite only to have my head filled with dread as I realize it's back

It will never leave me

Insecurities transformed into demons that claw and tear me down but I know I did this, I've believed the demons with their cruel whispers.
I let them stay, and now I will always be forever haunted by them

The nagging and the snickers they utter

"Not good enough"

"Did you look at that scale?"

"What a freak"

"Just stop eating and maybe you will look pretty"

"Come on you can do it, no one will even notice"

"Remember what those girls said, you know they are right"

"No one will ever love you if you're fat"

The whispers terrorizing my head for as long as I can remember, with those words my poison, my disease was created

So now I live never knowing when it would strike but always knowing that it would again

Never knowing when the whispers will come back

When my thoughts will make good seem putrid and horrible again

This time I was just unprepared when I took a bite and almost puked, I don't know why I thought it was different this time but I did

Now I'm back and I just have to force down enough to keep myself alive.
Just a little bite here and there

Over and over I just tell myself to wait, that it will be over eventually and then I won't have to break any more promises, then I won't have  to disappoint

They beg me to just keep it down and so I do but the pain almost outweighs my strength

So now I sit and calculate how many salads I can have, how little I can eat without doing anything bad

It's not that I hate it, as much as I hate to admit that, I really would be okay with never eating again but I can't because of the promises

So I just keep choking down my food like poison

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