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Darkness. Screams. Voices. 'Ugh the milk girl is here Let's move.' People moving away from me. people always leave No one stays they just leave or....Kill themselves or just die. I felt my breath pick up before shooting up in my bed, panting. looking around my dark room. "Just a Nightmare...." Seems to roll out in a whisper. I feel my body shiver along with A wet stream flowing down my right cheek. "Dammit." I scoff to myself in disappointment as I hear my phone jump and ~BZZT~ ~BZZT~ Instagram notifications run off and bounce off the darkness in my room. I grab the phone and put in the password. then go to my DM's "Only if I actually had someone.." I whisper once more with a large shiver, pressing on the chat with everyone.  The chat scooting up the screen every time someone had pressed send. they all had fun and I was behind the screen. wanting to die. everything that had happen to me people always think I can forget but I cant its like PTSD but worse everything feels like it's crushing me and I can't hold it up. Everyone sees me snooping on the chat and they instantly spam. "DESTINY STOP SNOOPING" I wanted to joke but all I could reply was. "....oh" Every time I reply with dots they know something is wrong. they chat goes up the screen rapidly "Destiny??" "Destiny u ok???" "you didn't.." "Mum? wtf you never reply with dots it's always 'OH GtGtgtG' then *rolls away*???" All I could say was. "I'm Fine." They all shot up again "No you're not." they all replied. I had thoughts shooting from side to side and trying to break the walls in my head. "Nightmares."Is all I had typed before they took two sides. "Seriously. nightmares." and the other. "Oh...Private Dm me....okay?" the negative side was just the guys. Doug, Steven and the other but he wasn't awake at the time. I let a sigh leak out from my lips as I pressed the back arrow then the Girl's user that told me to dm her. Maryn.


M: Hey? you okay??

D: No, I really have a lot to confess right now but i seriously don't want to bother you.

M: Are you shitting me? stfu and type.

D: Fine....I just feel so alone...I seriously think its so stupid I kinda just wanna hug and cuddle I did with Nikki before...but like a relationship maybe..?

M: You don't Date...

D: I know I know......That's what makes it hard I can't do anything right but I just

M: Okay Okay...I don't really get it but who the hell are you going to date I sure as hell don't ship you with anyone. even though you're hot af.

D: Am not....Well whatever I don't know not like anyone knows what a real relationship is at this age.

M: Yeah. You got that right. well Im gunna go to sleep so. Gn or...if you have trouble get stay awake maybe watch anime..idk how to help but bye..

D: Okay....Bye


I press the side of my phone and it blinks turning Pitch black. I fall back as My hands land onto my face, it hurts but I ignore the pain. "I have school tomorrow....Great.." My teeth clench as I wipe my cheeks from the dried streams. "I Don't want mom to know...." a whisper escaped my lips but slurred into a yawn. My eyes shut as I dozed off to sleep.


~EER EER EEK ERR EKK~ I shot of of my bead as I quickly slapped the device on my bed, shouting the words. "SHUT UP I'M AWAKE!" I then slapped my hand over my mouth, my mother and sister could be home and I could be in trouble. I jumped up and ran out of my room checking every corner of my house for them. Finding no trace I went to applaud myself until I came to view with the time. "6:50?!" Scrambling to the mirror I saw my frizzy, soft long brown hair. "Dammit..." I let through slurring along with a sigh, I quickly came to view with the time once more "7:00...fuck" I practically grabbed clothes and threw them in along with a messy pony tail to had my frizz, grabbed my key and flew out the door, locking it then sprinting to the yellow long vehicle waiting for me to step in and go off to hell oh wait
Screams being tossed around the small walls and dark green leather seats, with 'offensive' or 'inappropriate' writing on them. I try to ignore everyone but someone pulls me into a seat and I panic for a moment until I see it was just my friend, Dina. "He--where is your bookbag..." My eyes instantly shudder,"'s right...." trailing off I frantically look around my seat. "Fuck god dammit." All I heard after that Was Dina's small giggles. "Whatever you will probably not have much to do today..." I scoffed shrinking down into my seat and forcing my hands into my pockets. "Sure..." I felt the bus move as she stopped at each stop and me and Dina stayed in silence, until she mentioned my hair. " come your hair is so mess---" I cut her off with a slur of a growl and sigh. "Don't. Even. Ask." I felt her eyes blink quickly as she nodded, "Okay...okay...sorry Maryn will probably be happy to see you though..." I stayed silent as my head nodded, "Yeah..I know..." The rest of the stops where met as we went into the schools, sort of drive way, And the buses released their kids to enter the building. This will be great, forgotten my bag and the nightmare I had last night. I quickly walked to the door and placed my hand on the handle, pulling it open.

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