The surprising person.

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I jumped and turned to the door, "what the hell..." I whispered to myself. Looking at the person all I saw was he was kinda small and he had kinda light blonde hair but it was mostly dirty blonde, I couldn't see much because I was far from the door and I needed glasses. Mr.barth shook his head and laughed, "Aiden. We are all worried about you in sure of it, just go and get ready" he rolled his eyes and faced the class causing them all to laugh except me. The boy- well I know his name now Aiden shifted to the side and went to the percussion items to get stuff set. I watched pretty creepily which I shouldn't have I was just kinda interested...Before I was about to look back I saw him glance up at me and I instantly turned slouching in my seat uncomfortably, "Jesus almost got caught being Maryn." I whispered once more as it slurred into a quiet snicker. I looked over everyone as they all played, Fingers touching many buttons or holes, Mouths Pressed against Reeds and the mouth pieces. I Honestly sucked at what I played But I didn't care that much, I Drilled my foot up and down as I got more curious about the boy from before. I slid Up in my seat a bit to get a good glance at him and while he banged on his drums he shot a glance at me, noticing we were both starring at each other made us jump slightly, Stalker alert we were both curious. We both looked away at the same time, Other then the few times me and Aiden shot glances at each other only to look away, Band was really boring, The time flew by. 

As everyone was at the band door, I leaned against the wall waiting for the bell. I felt someone tap my shoulder, before I could even turn to see the bell rang piercing my ears for a moment, "Fucking every time" I mumbled as I went along with the crowd, "what's next agai- Ah science pretty good." I give myself a slight smirk knowing that science was one of my favorite subjects, I walked on to the room seeing a few firmiliar faces, maddie Alex, and guess what Aiden. I wave awkwardly to my friends and their full table and sit down in a lonely two person table, no one sitting next to me. I sigh, at least I didnt have my anxiety going crazy, just as I thoight that I hear the chair next to me, "Havent I seen you somewhere?" I look up and to my left seeing the Blonde once more, "Band?" I question quietly, "mm....No its like I saw y-"

"Good morning everyone My name Is Mrs.calkins! Today we are doing this get to know eachother worksheet, walk around and ask people questions to fill up your board. At the end we will try snd say each one while I pull sticks!!" I got a great shiver down my body, I knew no one here exactly.
"Alright get up and start! We will finish tomorrow!!" I look down and twirl my fingers, messing with them trying not to speak to anyone who comes up to me, Aiden still remaining into his seat looks down at me and starts to speak "So since we are next to eachother already, what's your favorite sport...?" He tried to ask but it came out quietly like he was nervous. "S-Soccer." I reply back impulsively with a slight stutter but not removing my focus from my hands. "Oh. Um alright..." He clears his throat and I hear the pencil move on his paper, I can't even right today so this is none of my business. I look up slightly only to move my hands to the table tapping them in a pattern, breaking the silence Again the blonde bursts out with another question, "Are you going to ask me anything..?" I slowly turn to look at him and take in all his features before replying, "Just um...I....Yes?" He giggles at my scramble of words, "Alright well?" He leans in like he's listening well, "Um..." Is all I can blurt out before loking at the sheet, "How about...uh.....I have no color??" I moved my gaze to him, as he begins his reply, "Oh! Easy Purple"
"My moms favorite color..." I mumble under my breath as I roll my eyes thinking of her, I dont believe he noticed but I did ask a simple question, "Pencil." I stated as he put it into my hand, I wrote kinda sloppy but I didnt care really I was having anxiety I didnt have time for this, I didnt think anybody wanted to talk to me for gods sake. He watched me as I set the pencil down perfectly beside his hand, I looked up at him after setting it down still wondering why he was here, "You know its not get to know one person right..." I had a pretty straight face, but honestly I was telling the truth. He smiled settling more in his chair,"Yeah but Ive seen you somewhere before..." He put a finger on his chin, then blew away the length of hair in his face. I let out a small snicker but it was quiet. He burted out before I could speak "Why do you look so lonely, Like you are wearing all black amd your hair is so long and dark its in your face..."  I sighed and looked down again noticing what my objective was this year, "Well I was planning to not talk to anyone I'm not attractive or anything so I thought I would just be left alone other then the few friends I have"  he stayed silent and seemed like he just stared at me, for a while before he spoke again "Well honestly You dont look that bad and I'm pretty sure you can be fun" I looked up at him sorta surprised, "you dont know me though...I look boring..." He shook his head and smiled. I knoe I just met him but he looked so cute just smiling he didnt have to do much more. "

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