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Raven pov
   I ran towards the scream. My staff in hand, i leapt to and fro, not tripping on the familiar rubble of my city. Yes my city, i practically own the place, driving people and monsters out, i like my solitude.
    I saw em then, as i approached. A small armless monster in earth tones was on the ground, crying. A human girl, about 17, stood over them knife in hand. They had on a green and yellow hoodie and were about to land the killing blow when i knocked em down, sending the flying into a pile rubble.
    "Back off," i hissed. "No killing in my town, so leave kid, before i make you."
     The girl laughed, it sent shivers down my spine. "Oh? Your town? Well, maybe ill just have to take it over," her eyes had the whites turn black, the red pupils shining. Black began to drip out of her sockets, but it didnt scare me, ive seen worse.
      "Scare tactics? Really kid, dont make me laugh, who could fear you?" I growled.
      "You should fear me!" She laughed, darting forward, i danced out of the way, pulling the monster with me. She lunged again, and i paried it with my staff, sending her back. She flew into a wall, causing it to crumble into more rubble. She rose from it shakilly, laughing insanely, before pointing her knife at me and charging again.
     As i dodged her advances, i took note of her appearance. There was dust and flecks of blood on her clothes, she was a killer, of that im sure.
      I dodged again and again, before throwing her back with a strong swing of my staff. She stood breathing heavy. "Give up," she laughed.
     I shook my head. "Never, and kid, im warning you..."
   "Warning me what?" She snarled.
    I took a deep breath and right as she charged i used my greatest strength against her. You see i have this incredible ability to emit a high pitched screech, so i let it loose.
    She wailed dropping the knife as she clutched at her ears. Nearby windows that hadnt broke yet rattled before shattering, parts of the rubble crumbled from my screech, the poor monster i protected, wincing at the sharp sound.
     I dashed forward, grabbing the girl and threw her as far as i could, she landed several blocks away, still clutching her ears and wailing with agony. I picked up her knife and crushed it. I was far stronger than i look. And i dont take any killing in my city.
      "Run and never come back," i snarled at her, " if you do, i will show no mercy, same as those before you. Now go, before i change my mind and kill you now."
     She got up, turning back once saying," Oh ill come vack, and ill kill you, oh yes, ill kill you." She staggered away, out of my town to who knows where.
     I turnedback to the small monster. I knelt down next to him. "Hey kid, you alright?" I asked kindly.
     He looked up at me, jumping excitedly. "Like yo! That was so cool! Thanks for saving me, yo!"
     I chuckled. "No problem. My names Raven Aris, what are you doing out here?"
     "Im trying to get back to Ebbot, yo! Im Monster Kid, most call MK though!" He paused. "I also kinda got lost."
     I smiled at the kid. "Well MK, i know where Ebbot is, ill take you there tommorrow, buy for now, care to come by my house? Im sure youre hungry, right?"
     He nodded. "Yeah, and thanks yo! Youre super nice, Raven!"
     I chuckled. "Thanks MK, i just help those who need it, im not on any side, im neutral. And when i get you to the mountain tommorow, im afraid i wont be able to accompany you to the city." I stood, picking him up and carrying him, as he still had quite a few injuries.
     "Aww, why not?"
     "Im neutral, not on either side of the war, which means im a target for both," i explained, hopping through the rubble, back to my home. 
     "Well, can i stay with you instead? My parents arent around anymore, and ive not got anymore family, yo," he said sullenly.
     I paused, looking down at the monster, i pondered for a moment. No family, no friends, he was like me. And i suppose i could use someone to talk to.
     I smiled at him. "Sure MK, if you really want to."

G pov
     This girl was something else. That screech had rattled my bones, literally rattled them. Then she just threw Chara and crushed their knife. That in itself was incredible. Then showing them mercy and threatening them. Impressive.
    I watched as she bent down to Monster Kid. She comforted him and introduced herself, i caught her name. Raven Aris. Now i got her pun from back in the cave, lonely as a raven. Made sense now. Then she offered to take him back, then when he asked her if he could stay, i was surprised when she said yes. She seemed to enjoy the solitude.
    I watched as she walked back through the rubble to her house. She was so curious for a human, that screech being something else. The fact she refused to kill or allow killing to those in her town surprised me. Now that i thought about it, there was no one else in the town. I had a feeling that she chased em off. I had a feeling that those who came back after recieving a warning were killed, but she had warned them.
     She went into her house. I teleported to her roof and sat down, listening.

Raven pov
    I put MK on the sofa."Stay here, ill get ya something to eat. Do you like brownies?"
    He nodded his head vigorously. "Yeah, but i havent had any in ages!"
    I chuckled. "Well i made some fairly recently, they might be a day old, but i assure you, my brownies are still good. And do you like cheezits, i found a ton of em a bit back."
    "Yeah, theyre great!" He chirped happily. "Hey Raven, im glad you found me. Youre one of the few people ive come across that helped me. Even monsters were mean to me. I dont really do things easy, no arms or hands and all." He looked down.
    "Well, i might be able to help with that," i said, returning from the kitchen with a few brownies on a plate.
      He looked up. "How?" He asked, as i handed him a brownie, helping him eat it.
      "Im good at machanics, i could build you robotic arms, but to power it ill need some gems. Good thing ive got a good collection of them."
    "Why do you need gems?"
    "To power the arms when i make them, theyll be able link to your magic and let you use them. They can also link directly to your mind, allowing you to move them exactly how you want." I explained.
     "Whoa. Thats so cool, yo!" He chirped, bouncing with excitement. "I cant wait yo!"
     "Hehehe," i laughed," but it may take a while to get all the parts, but nothing alittle scavenging wont fix!" I turned to the small monster. "Ill bring you with me tommorow, if youre traveling with me, youll be safe, plus you can learn how to survive better in this desolate world we live in now."
      He nodded in understanding before yawning.
     "Guess you need some sleep? Well ill let you have my bed, im not that tired and dont sllep so good anyways, so i insist."
      "Ok," he answered yawning again. I picked him up, before pausing.
     "I almost forgot to bandage your wounds, good thing i left the med kit in my room." I walked down the hall, into my room, grabbing the kit and laying the monster on the bed. I cleaned and wrapped his injuries before letting the monster sleep in my bed.
    I walked out of the room, closing the door as i did. I sighed, smiling slightly. Maybe i dont like being lonely as much as i used to. I strolled down the hall, exiting the house and climbing up to the roof. It was a clear night, the stars bright, the moon a crescent slice.
     I sighed before beginning an old melody my brother used to sing.
"Dark sky,
Bright heart,
Keep hope
Close to you.
Dont cry,
The sky,
Is watching over you.
Dark as it be,
Look to the stars,
Night may be here,
But no need to fear,
The moon does watch and guard thee
My song and voice doth rise to thee
Hear my song little bird
And fold thy wings this night
Sleep thee well on blissful night,
I beckon thee to bed
The stars shall watch and calm thee
If ever a shadow dares scare you
Little bird
Be calm
Fold thy wings
And have thee a fitful sleep~."
   I smiled up at the sky. My brother used to sing that to help me sleep, i used to not sleep well when i was younger, and his pet name for me was  'Little Bird'.
     I sat up and jumped down from the roof, going back into my house. I laid down on the sofa and closed my eyes to sleep.

G pov
    This kid is full of surprises. That song, it had a sorrowful note to it, and i had a feeling that she was not the original maker of the small melody. It was a lullaby, she had heard it somewhere. I had jumped off the roof and hid behind her house and listened. When she left, i teleported back to the monster city. Paps was probably worried sick about me. I decided id visit the kid tommorrow. Afterall, she intrigued me.

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