Death comes at all hours, taking those you love

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Raven pov, 10 years ago
Before the war
My brother Tobias and i were watching tv when we saw the announcement on the news. Monsters had been freed from the underground. I was kind of excited, there was a chance to make new friends, and my brother was just the same. But when war broke out, a lot of bad things happened. My family was enlisted for the war, my brother and i werent as i was too young and he was injured at the time. Our family was killed. All of them, if i remember clearly.
My friends didnt want to fight monsters, they wanted to make peace, for that reason, the humans killed them. All of them. My brother and i decided to be neutral and as such we took a few belongings, packed up in my bro's off roader and left, heading for the mountain we had always felt at home on, Mt. Ebbot. We hid out there, hiding in this old cave we had found years back that had a hole at the entrance, but while we were out one day, monsters spotted us. They chased us, we headed for these tunnels which could get us to the bottom of the mountain, but they caught up to us. They got my brother. He just kinda stumbled, gasping as he cluthed at the wound in his chest. He stared at me as he fell. When i saw him collapse, dying, i broke. I turned on the monsters which tried attacking me. I screeched at them, the peircing cry i have always been capable of morphing into something more, it turned the monsters to dust when they heard it. The trees shook and parts of them even broke because of me. Animals fell from nearby trees, having died from my screech. I then feel to my knees, crying over my brother amd how he died. I carried his body into the cave and buried him there, taking a piece of limestone and carving into it. I put it as a marker on his grave.

I have visited it at least once every year for the past ten years. I have been alone in all this, helping those on both sides as im neutral. Until i rescued MK, i was alone. Now, now i am not. I remember an old song my brother sang to me long ago, it soothes me. When he sang it, his voice was not as perfect, the song rough and in nees of tuning. I have perfected the song, the words the same, but the song has been bettered for my meddling. It is the only thing i have left to remember of him besides the off roader, and it is such a precious song.

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