Birthday Sadness

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"Sometimes the persons you think will make your day sweet are the ones who turn it sour....."

When I saw Ryan I was really really pissed for three reasons. I thought he had lied to me about having a match to attend. Second reason I had major trust issues. Third reason he still hadn't wished me a happy birthday. I stood there looking at him and he couldn't maintain eye contact with me. He looked uncomfortable about the situation but I couldn't have cared less. I turned my back to him and I waited for him to approach.

My friends kept saying don't go over there to him let him come to you. My reply was "You don't need to tell me that I wasn't going to go over there to him I would have had to be crazy to do that." So with my back still turnt to him I waited for him to approach I glimpsed at him through my side eye. I could see him still looking uncomfortable and worried. And I could see his friends telling him to go talk to me but he didn't. He didn't come and I waited for a while.  So I gave up and I got on a bus and went home.

I was sad all the way going home but I tried to push away the happenings of today as I talked with my mom about how my birthday went and around 8:30 that night my phone rang. I saw an unknown number so I answered.

"Hello good night"

"Happy birthday"

I knew the voice but it wasn't special anymore as he told me. So I said

"Who is this?"


then silence.....

At that point all that was going through my mind was now you want to wish me a happy birthday and you were the one I wanted to tell me first? It took all the the strength in me to not get mad or to show it affected me. So my simple reply was

"Thank you"

And he ended the call. I looked up and saw my mom watching and I said it was him. She asked what happened and I told her. Then I said I was expecting him to tell me first he could have gotten a call from someone since morning and texted me or called me. There is free text, even a please call me message would have worked. So I know he remembered and was trying to contact me. She said she understood what I meant.

The birthday happenings didn't just go like that I was still upset it rode my mind up and down constantly I needed to talk with him.

So I did we talked it through and he explained that he had no credit that day. And I told him that he could have asked someone for a call, a text anything just to let me know he remembered my birthday. And I came to a decision I broke it off with Ryan.

From just the surface you may have said I overreacted but I was only about 16 then and it wasn't just him not wishing me a happy birthday it was a build up of my need for attention, his inexperience and him always absence. Then not wishing me a happy birthday just hit the button on that chapter for me. And I made myself sad....

After I broke it off I really felt it, there were times when I would think maybe I just overreacting, maybe I could have given him a second chance. But it was too late I already ended it and I would not be the one to try to get us back together so it ended.

Two days after my birthday it still felt fresh I had thought I had done the best thing but I felt sad. I stepped off the bus still wearing the curls I made from my birthday they looked a bit disheveled well Hanna and Camii said it looked like a bird's nest. I step off the bus from school at Trees. And as I to go to my bus stop I heard "Excuse me Miss Hamilton's" Hamilton's academy was the name of my school. So I looked over and I saw a guy that was light brown complexion, he was my height which was about 5ft 4" at the time and very polite. If you had experienced how men seeked after women in my country, you would have been as impressed as I was.

So I stopped and he came over with two other guys from the same boy's school Ryan went to. "

So we're promoting Johnson's High Barbeque and if you come as my date your two friends get in free."

I smiled at this, this boy doesn't waste anytime at all does he.

"Well sorry I'm not really allowed to go out", I told him

"Oh so can I get your number in case you change your mind?"

I was like this is so not the day to be getting male attention.... I was still upset about my break up.

So I said trying to wisely get out of this situation.

"How about you give me your number and I'll text you." He was about to give me his number when Camii jumped into our conversation.

"I'd advise you to take her number because girls like to take boys numbers and never call them."

I wanted to squeeze her throat right at that moment honestly she just had to interfere and she smiled sweetly at me.

The guy looked at me and smiled then said, "She's right give me your number."

I was in a real situation here so I just gave him my number then I walked away. My phone started ringing immediately and I answered he said that my number just checking if you gave me the right number.

His name was Gareth.....

A couple days passed and Gareth kept texting me and he expressed that he liked me and he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I kept telling him I had just been through a break up and I wasn't ready for another relationship but he was persistent so I finally gave in and gave it a chance.

At the starting of our relationship I wasn't so excited about it because well I didn't think it would work out. But eventually as the weeks passed I started feeling excited about him. He would come see me at Trees all the time. And everything went well. He was basically so nice and I admire the fact that he made sure I had no trust problems.

What I really liked about him was the way he treated me if a girl came up to him while I was there, he didn't just leave me to wonder who this girl was. He would say, "Kayla this is my friend." And then he would introduce me to them as his girlfriend. He made me feel special.

During our relationship we've been out on about three occasions twice to eat and once to a sporting event. It was the Boys and Girls Championships and I hadn't been there before but I was now in 5th form and would be graduating soon so I decided to go this year along with my friends.

Boys and Girls Championships

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