Chapter One

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I do not own the artwork up there^

"Jayfeather? Fernkit's hurt!" Hollykit poked her small nose into the medicine cat's den. 

Jayfeather grunted as he heaved himself to his paws. He heard the uneven pattering of small paws as Fernkit limped into the den, favoring a paw. Jayfeather reached out to take the paw and examine it, but Fernkit jerked away.

"Fernkit, you're going to have to sit still. I can't heal you if I can't touch you," he meowed, forced patience lacing his words. 

"But--" Fernkit gulped, glancing up at Jayfeather-- "but it HURTS."

"It's going to hurt a lot more if I don't treat it," he warned, trying to grab the paw again.

"No!" Fernkit mewed petulantly. Jayfeather gritted his teeth and tried again. "NO!"- more forcefully this time. 

"SIT STILL!" He pinned the kit to the ground and twisted the offending paw to face him, touching his nose to the wound. All of this trouble for a single little thorn. Kits. He could feel shock radiating from Hollykit, as if this was not what she had expected him to do. 

The kit under his paws whimpered.

"Almost done," he muttered. He felt guilty suddenly.  What would Hollyleaf have thought? She was always the one telling me to be nicer, friendlier towards cats-- and here I am, snapping at kits. A thought struck him.  What would Half Moon have thought? No-- focus on what you're doing. Don't get distracted. Jayfeather shut his eyes tightly for a moment as a stab of pain seized him. Recently, every little thing led his thoughts to her. Half Moon. Her beautiful green eyes and - Oh, Great StarClan! I need help. 

He shook his head and finished extracting the thorn. He released Fernkit.

"You can go now," he told the kit, who nodded, trembling, then remembered that Jayfeather was blind and mewed a meek "Okay." 

"You too," he meowed, turning his blank gaze towards Hollykit. She sped off without a word, tiny paws thumping against the ground.  Jayfeather exhaled slowly. I'll go collect more herbs-- we need more tansy. Anyways, I need a walk-- maybe that will clear my mind.  He was almost ready to just ask StarClan for help-- not that they ever really helped, but maybe, just maybe...

* * *

Jayfeather sank slowly down into his nest. He had collected herbs for the rest of the day and even into the night, but his head wasn't any clearer-- in fact, it was probably more jumbled than ever. In desperation, he had decided to ask StarClan for guidance. I hope they speak to me clearly this time, he thought, drifting into sleep. When he opened his eyes he was in a lush green forest. StarClan. 

"Yellowfang? Spotted leaf?" He called uncertainly. "Is anyone here?"

"I am." The voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Jayfeather spun around and found himself face-to-face with Hollyleaf.

"Hollyleaf!" He exclaimed, surprised. The black she-cat nodded.

"I've come to give you advice, though it may not be what you would like to hear. Jayfeather, you have to go back to the mountains."

"What?" Jayfeather was astounded. "Why?" He asked, but she was already fading. "No! Don't go yet! I don't understand!"

A paw poked him in his side and StarClan vanished, along with his sister. He raised his head and recognized Leafpool's scent.

"Jay-" she began, but Jayfeather interrupted her. 

"I've had a message from StarClan. I have to go to the mountains." She was confused; he could feel it flowing off of her in waves.

"But why?"

He shrugged. "Because StarClan says so? Who knows?"

"Leaf-bare is coming soon. We need you here."

"Aren't there enough cats already? You, Brightheart, Cinderheart, Briarlight..."

His mother sighed. 

"Fine, but you will have to obtain Bramblestar's consent."

Jayfeather did not reply, simply dipping his head to his former mentor and heading out of the den.

 So... How was it? As always, constructive criticism is welcome!

(And sorry for the looonnnggg and very boring chapter- It will probably get more interesting later on...) D; 

Please comment!


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