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    The moon was full, lighting up Overworld Kingdom. Laughter and music could be heard from the castle's main dining area. The long oak wood table was pilled with food. Men of all shapes and sizes spoke amongst each other while sipping on beer. The King sat on his throne and watched his army feast.
    "Quite the party, isn't it Megami?" The Kings words were laced with venom. Megami's head shot up at the sound of his booming voice. She heard the anger in his tone but passed it off as he was still upset about the war, even though they won. The Dark Knights stood no chance to begin with. Megami smiled at her lord.
    "It is." She replied, throwing her dark hair over her right shoulder. She walked away from her corner off the hugely spacious room to fix herself some water. She reached out to grab a cup when a hard hand landed on her bum and squeezed it lightly. She whipped around to see a gaurd with a smirk on his drunken face. She raised her hand and slapped him. The sound was so loud in grabbed everyones attention, even the King's.
    "How dare you?" Megami screeched at the mans face. The room was silent, only things heard were the movement of people trying to get a better look at the scene.
    "How dare I?" The gaurd mocked Megami pulling her closer to himself. The King's eyes danced with amusement as he watched the event unfold before him. With a flick of the wrist, Megami had a knife at the man's throat. "Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean you can have your way, you peice of scum!" she left out of the dining room, glaring at the gaurd. The gaurd stood at the table dumbfounded. The Kind let out a heart felt laugh.
    "She never crease to surprise," the King mused to his men,"Diana's daughter." The rest of his sentence was hushed, for only himself to hear.
The King stood up abruptly and leaned over the long table. "Well what are you waiting for? Go after her you imbecile!" His voice echoed around the room as the guard scurried away to chase after Megami.

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