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행복하다: to be happy
기쁘다: to be glad, happy
화나다: to be angry
슬프다: to be sad
아프다: to be sick, painful
피곤하다: to be tired, exhausted
배가 고프다: to be hungry
목이 마르다: to be thirsty
졸리다: to be sleepy
걱정하다: to be worried
무섭다: to be scared
짜증나다: to be annoyed
놀라다: to be surprised
수줍다: to be shy
재미있다: to be interesting
재미없다: to not be interesting
심심하다: to be bored
지루하다: to be boring, dull
조용하다: to be quiet
시끄럽다: to be loud, noisy
뜨겁다 to be hot
따뜻하다: to be warm
차갑다: to be cold
시원하다: to be cool, refreshing
신선하다: to be fresh
아름답다: to be beautiful
예쁘다: to be pretty
귀엽다: to be cute
잘생기다: to be good looking
못생기다: to be ugly
크다: to be big
작다: to be small
많다: to be lots, many
적다: to be few, little
좁다: to be narrow
넓다: to be wide, broad
뚱뚱하다: to be fat, overweight
통통하다: to be chubby
날씬하다: to be slim, slender
깡마르다: to be skinny, scrawny
덥다: to be hot (regarding weather)
뜨겁다: to be hot (regarding touch, objects)
따뜻하다: to be warm (regarding both weather and objects)
춥다: to be cold (regarding weather)
차갑다: to be cold, icy, chilly (regarding touch, objects)
싸늘하다: to be chilly, frosty
습하다: to be damp, moist, humid
건조하다: to be dry
흐리다: to be cloudy
좋다: to be good, fine
어렵다: to be difficult
쉽다: to be easy
깨끗하다: to be clean
더럽다: to be dirty
빠르다: to be fast
천천하다: to be slow
느리다: to be slow
급하다: to be urgent
늦다: to be late
이르다: to be early
똑똑하다: to be smart, clever
멍청하다: to be stupid, foolish
싸다: to be cheap
비싸다: to be expensive
새롭다: to be new, fresh
오래되다: to be old (regarding objects)
튼튼하다: to be strong, sturdy
씩씩하다: to be brave
약하다: to be weak, feeble
건강하다: to be healthy
쓰다: to be bitter
짜다: to be salty
시큼하다: to be sour
맵다: to be spicy
달콤하다: to be sweet
기름지다: to be fatty, greasy, oily
맛있다: to be delicious, tasty
맛없다: to be not tasty
가득하다: to be full, crammed
비어 있다: to be empty
나쁘다: to be bad, poor
딱딱하다: to be hard, stiff
뾰족하다: to be sharp, pointed
부드럽다: to be soft
말랑하다: to be soft, tender, ripe
촉촉하다: to be moist
축축하다: to be damp, clammy, wet
젖다: to get wet, damp
건조하다: to be dry, arid
미끄럽다: to be slippery
편하다: to be comfortable
불편하다: to be uncomfortable
괜찮다: to be alright, ok
이상하다: to be weird, strange
복잡하다: to be jammed, crowded
편리하다: to be convenient
다르다: to be different
같다: to be the same
착하다: to be good-natured, nice
비열하다: to be mean, nasty

TIP: It's so hard to memorize them all . I suggest that you copy them in your notebook and practice writing.
파이팅! 😊

Source: sydneytoseoul.com

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