Night Out

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Dean Winchester X Reader

Synopsis: You and Dean go out on a date, and at the end you end up with a surprise.

  You laid on your bed, your stomach pressed into the mattress. Your legs were lifted up and your ankles were crossed, your thighs and knees still on the bed. You had headphones in and were currently reading your favorite book. Suddenly, someone grabbed your thigh. Your hunter instincts kicked in, and you had them pinned to the ground in seconds. You frowned as you realized it was your, currently grinning, boyfriend Dean. You pulled your headphones out but didn't get off him.

"You're cute when you're annoyed." Dean teased, placing a hand on each of your hips. You couldn't help but crack a smile, the comment flustering you.

"Did you have a particular reason to scare the heck out of me?" You asked, climbing off him and sitting on the bed.

"I was thinking of going out tonight." Dean explained, sitting on a chair near the bed.

"Like a date?" You asked, trying to hide your surprise. In the two and a half years of dating Dean, you guys had never gone on a normal date.

"Yeah." Was all he said. You parsed your lips, pretending to think it over.


Dean grinned before saying, "Great, wear something nice." Then he walked out.


  You bit your lip, staring at all the clothes laid out am the bed. It was mostly flannels, jeans, and sweaters. You heard a soft knock on the door and turned around to see tour best friend, Sam.

"Hey, how's it going in here? Found anything for your date?" He asked, walking over to you. You groaned, pressing your face  into his chest. He chuckled and rubbed soothing circles in your back.

"So, that's a no then?" Sam asked. You pulled away and nodded, suddenly wanting to cry. Sam saw and concern filled his face.

"Hey, how about we go for a quick shopping trip? Just the two of us." Sam suggested. You sighed of relief and nodded, grabbing your jacket.

When you two arrived at the store, you immediately went to the dresses. Your eyes widened at the multiple choices. This was going to take awhile.

After two hours of searching and trying dresses on, you found the one. It was navy blue at the top with spaghetti straps and a low neckline, and around tour waist was a black belt. The rest of it flowed down in white silk to your ankles and accented your curves. You picked a pair of plain black high heels, even though you could barely walk without tripping.

You walked out of the dressing room in the outfit you had chosen, and twirled around for Sam. He had a huge smile on his face, and you knew this dress was the one.

"My brother is a lucky man." Sam teased, and you hit him on the shoulder. After you had bought tour stuff, the two of you headed back to the bunker.

When you got back, it was very quiet and you wondered where Dean was. You asked Sam if he knew, but he just shrugged. Thinking nothing of it, you decided to go to your room to get ready.

You started with hair, curling it and pinning some braided pieces back to make a halo. Next you moved onto makeup. You put on dark eye-shadow and winged eyeliner before putting mascara on your eyelashes to make them more long and dark. Next you moved to eyebrows and contour, which took way longer than the other parts of your getting ready process. Finishing the look off with some dark red lipstick, too went to get dressed.

You were just strapping up your heels when Sam barreled in.

"Dean's waiting for you in the library." He said, before walking out. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your jacket and went to meet your man.

The second you saw him, your heart started pounding and reasons why you loved him flashed through your mind. He was standing there in a tux, looking at you with awe.

"Y/n, you look great." He muttered, and you blushed.

"Right back at ya handsome." You joked, walking closer to him.

He held his arm out and you took it, the two of you making your way to the Impala. This whole thing we weird, but when he opened the door for you you couldn't take it.

"Okay Dean, what's going on?" You asked as he climbed into the driver's seat.

"I just want a nice night with my girl, that's all." Dean said, fiddling with his tie. Him messing with his tie confirmed something was up but you stayed silent. When Dean pulled up to the restaurant, you couldn't believe your eyes. You had always wanted to go here but it was too fancy and as a hunter you never had the time.

"Oh my God Dean, this is amazing!" You squealed, turning do the green eyed man. He smiled at you, and you pressed a chaste kiss against his lips.

"Now let's go eat." Dean said, opening his door. The two of you were seated at a table and a waiter instantly came over with champagne, filling your glasses.

"Thank you." You said, a little dazed at the fast service. The waiter went away and you looked at the menu.

"Get whatever you want baby, you earned it." Dean told you, and you looked up at him.

"Dean this stuff costs a fortune, I can't do that." You argued. Dean placed his callused hand over yours, smirking at you.

"I promise I'll be okay, now eat what you want! No one can stop you." Dean replied. You nodded, looking back at the menu.

You had decided on this cheesy pasta thing with a salad on the side, it we better than you could have imagined. You were about to tell Dean you guys could leave when a waiter brought out two slices of Apple pie.

"On the house." He said, smiling warmly at the two of you.

You thanked him and dug in, almost moaning at the amazing taste.

It all happened so fast. One second you were eating pie and talking to Dean, and the next he was down on one knee in front of you.

"Dean?" You questioned. He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it, showing a shiny diamond ring.

"Y/n, I've loved you for as long as I can remember, but I only realized it on that hunt we did together about three years ago. I remember meeting you at that vampire's nest and us working together to kill them. I remember thinking you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. You're the one source of light in my dark life and I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much and I want to marry you. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" By the time Dean was finished, fat tears were rolling down your cheeks. Dean waited anxiously for your answer.

"Yes Dean, of course I will." You said, nodding. He grinned before sliding the ring on your finger. Other people eating had noticed the two of you and were now cheering. Dean picked you up and soon too around before kissing you. You grinned at him, this being the happiest moment in your life. Looking down at your ring, you smiled. You were going to marry Dean Winchester. 

A/n: Hey thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more imagines and just personal message me if you have any requests. K bye! 

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