Nervous, are we?

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Dean X Reader

Synopsis: Requested by @dean_daryl_derek You and Dean had been going out for awhile, and he decided it was time for you to meet his brother, Sam. He didn't expect to be so nervous, though. Will be in Dean's point of view. Reader's name is Michelle. 

  Michelle and I had been dating for about three months when I brought up the idea of her meeting Sam. I mean, they were the two most important people in my lives, it made sense for them to meet and even become friends. Sam was a friendly guy and Michelle, Michelle could become friends with anyone. So I thought it was a great idea. 

  "You want me to meet your brother?" Michelle asked, looking up from the book of lore she was reading. She had saved my ass on a hunt awhile ago, and to make it up to her I bought her a beer. We'd been together ever since. 

  "Yeah, I mean, you guys are bound to meet at some point. Why not now?" I asked, shrugging. She shut her book, indicating that we were going to have a conversation. 

  "Are you sure? I mean, we've had opportunities in the past and each time you made sure it didn't happen. I was starting to think you were ashamed of me." She said, and I walked over to her. Sitting down, I grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it. 

  "I could never, ever be ashamed of you. I just wanted to make sure that what we have will stay, that you aren't planning on walking out on me." I told her, my voice barely above a whisper. She smiled, placing her hand on my cheek and brushing her thumb against my cheekbone. 

  "And I'd never walk out on you. You're stuck with me Dean Winchester, for as long as we're both on this Earth." She said, and I smiled. We sat in silence for a bit, one of her hands on my cheek and the other one in mine. 

  "So I finally get to meet Sam, when?" She asked, breaking the comfortable silence. I let out a breath, rolling my shoulders before replying. My stomach knotted up, and for some reason, I felt nervous. 

  "Um, tonight, actually. Sam told me he's not going to wait another day to meet the girl that, and I quote, got me to leave the bunker for more than a hunt." I explained, and Michelle let out a laugh that made all my nervousness float away. 

  "Well then I better find one of my nicer flannels." She joked, standing up. I still had her hand in mine, so I pulled her back, causing her to land on my lap. She turned to me, a question on her face, but before she could ask it I pressed my lips against hers. She instantly melted into the kiss, resting her hand on my neck and kissing back. We both pulled away, breathless. 

 "I think we might need to reschedule." I muttered, and she just laughed and smacked my shoulder. Michelle stood up and walked over to her book, sitting down and flipping it open to the page she had been on. 

~Two hours later~ 

    "Baby, we gotta go." I said, knocking softly on the bathroom door where Michelle was getting ready. I heard a noise, something that sounded familiar to a bag of marbles being dropped on the counter. 

  "Just a second, I'm just finishing my makeup." She called back. I chuckled, backing away from the door and walking around the motel room until I heard the click of the door unlocking. I turned to face Michelle, my jaw dropping as I did so. She looked gorgeous, absolutely breathtaking. Well, she always did, but in this moment it was especially prominent that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever known. 

   "What?" She asked, taking the awe on my face as something it wasn't. I closed my mouth, trying to figure what I could say in this moment to make her know how beautiful she was. 

   "Wow, uh, you look great. Really, really great." I stuttered like an idiot. She just rolled her eyes, grabbing her jacket and announcing that we should go. I nodded, grabbing my keys and walking out the door to the Impala. We drove the short way to the bunker, listening to the radio. The closer we got, the more nervous I felt. 

  "Nervous, are we?" Michelle asked, glancing at me once again. I looked at her, giving a single nod before turning my attention back to the road. She reached over and placed a hand on my thigh, not saying anything, just letting me know everything would be okay. 

  We finally arrived at the bunker, and I let out a breath as I pulled the keys out of the ignition. I turned to Michelle, who smiled and nodded before opening her door and stepping out, and I did the same. I wrapped an arm around her waist, leading her to the door. Opening it, we walked in and I closed the door behind us. 

 "Sammy, we're here!" I yelled, walking down the stairs with Michelle. She looked around in awe, all the books catching her attention as we walked into the library. 

 "I'm in the kitchen!" Came Sam's voice back, and I chuckled before leading Michelle into the kitchen. It wasn't hard to find it, I just followed the smell of food. Sam was bustling around the kitchen, making food while music played softly out of the radio. He turned as we walked in, smiling kindly. 

 "Dean, hey. And this must be Michelle. It's so nice to finally meet you, Dean's told me so much about you." He said, holding out his hand like the gentleman he was. Michelle shook his hand, smiling. 

 "Hi Sam, it's nice to meet you too. Dean says you're a good person." She said, linking her arm through mine. Sam chuckled, glancing at me for a second. 

 "Did he now? Well, we'll just have to see." He said, the oven going off as he finished talking, "I hope you like pot roast. And, of course, we're having pie for dessert." Sam said, turning to continue his cooking. 

 "I love it." Michelle told Sam before leaning over and whispering into my ear, "He seems nice. I think we'll be great friends." I smiled, everything was turning out just the way it was supposed to. 

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