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Cas X Reader

Synopsis: When all the Angels fell, your wings weren't just damaged. They were completely ripped off. And the worst part is, it was your boyfriend, Castiel, who made you fall. 

You had thought it would just be another day. You would take orders from a higher Angel, take note of a few things, then return to your resting spot to spend the evening with Cas. You sat down at your desk, scratching down a reminder on your notepad. Suddenly there was a thundering boom and everything started to shake. You looked around curiously until you weren't in your office anymore. You were falling. The wind whipped around you, smacking your hair into your face. 

You watched as the stars got farther and farther away, fear coursing through you. Then came the pain. You knew when Angels fell their wings were damaged, but whatever happened to you was worse than them just being damaged. You felt them being ripped, as if someone was clutching onto them and pulling with all your might. You let out a scream, which faded into sobbing. It felt like it was never going to end. Scream after scream burst from your lips, the wind howling as you plummeted down to Earth. You closed your eyes, the pain causing every bit of you to shake. Finally, once the only memory of your wings was the stinging in your back where your wings used to connect to your body, you hit the ground. 

Pain rippled through you, but it was nothing compared to when your wings had been wrenched from your body. You sobbed from the pain, clawing your fingers into the dirt and pushing yourself up with shaking arms. Falling onto your butt, you looked around, wondering where you were. But of course, you had no idea. You had never been down to Earth. 

"Castiel?" You cried, maybe if you prayed to him he could help you. But he didn't show up. You slowly stood up on your weak legs, realizing you were in front of a restaurant. You stumbled in, knowing exactly what you looked like when you saw your reflection in the glass. Your hair was ratted, dirt covering your face, your clothes ripped, and two burned holes in the back of your shirt where your wings would be. You hissed as pain ebbed through your back. 

"Oh my God, are you okay?" A human asked, running over to you and gently grabbing your shoulder. You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. 

"Can I use your phone?" You asked. Castiel had made you memorize the Winchesters' numbers in case of emergency, and since you had no one else to call, you were going to your boyfriend's best friends. The woman nodded, pulling a small black object out of her pocket. You took it, turning it and pressing down on the little box that meant a phone. You typed in the number, holding it up to your ear and listening to the ring. 

"Hello?" Came a deep voice. You sighed, relieved that someone picked up. "Hello, this is y/n, Castiel's girlfriend. I- I need help." You explained, chewing on your lip. 

"Where are you? What happened?" He asked, and you hoped this meant he believed you and he was going to help. 

"I don't know where I am. Some diner I think. And I- umm, I fell. I prayed to Cas but he didn't answer and I don't know what to do." You said, and you heard a sigh at the other end. 

"Alright, I'll track your call and come get you. Can you tell me how you contacted me though?" He asked. You began to nod, then stopped, realizing he couldn't see you. 

"Castiel made me memorize yours and your brother's phone number in case of emergency." You told him, looking around the small building you were inside. You hissed as the pain hit your back again, tears springing to your eyes. 

"Well, that sounds like Cas." Even though you couldn't see him, you knew he was smiling, "I think we were on the phone long enough for me to track you so I'll come get you. Don't leave wherever you are." 

"I won't." You promised, before hanging up the phone. You slumped down into a booth, letting out a heavy sigh as you were able to focus on the pain once again. 

~Weeks later~ 

The Winchesters had taken you in, nursing you back to health from your fall. Dean had talked to Cas on the phone, but other than that there was no other sign of him. You sat at the library table, reading a book that you had been working on finishing. 

"Y/n." You heard, and your head snapped up to see someone you had been missing a lot. He looked at you, and you thought he would be happy, but his eyes shown sadness and regret. 

"Cas!" You exclaimed happily, jumping up, "Where have you been? I missed you." You said, pulling him into a hug. His hands rested on your back, and you cried out. Your wounds from having your wings ripped away hadn't healed. Cas jerked away. 

"Your wings. They were.... ripped off." He breathed out, and you nodded as you waited for the pain to pass. 

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I thought I was doing the right thing. But it only ended with all the Angels falling and you getting hurt. I'm sorry." Cas apologized. Your head snapped up to look at him. 

"You did this?" You questioned, and he nodded. You gasped, taken aback. How could he do such a thing? 

"How could you?" You breathed out, "Do you realize how much pain you caused? Not only to me, but to all of the Angels. Many of them didn't even survive the fall." You exclaimed. 

"Y/n, you have to understand. I thought I was doing the right thing." Castiel said, his eyes pleading. You weren't in any mood to listen to what he had to say. 

"I don't have to understand anything Castiel. You ruined me. I can never fly again. My wings are gone. The pain I felt when I fell, was worse than you could ever imagine. I cannot believe you." You yelled.

"I- I didn't mean it." He said, and you knew deep inside that he was telling the truth, but you were too angry to care. 

"Please, just go. I don't want to see you." You whispered, leaning against the library table. You heard Cas sigh before he walked away. You slumped down in your chair, already feeling the sobs rising up. You couldn't believe that the one person you thought would never hurt you was the reason for your downfall.

A couple weeks later you and Cas met again, and you begged him to forgive you for what you had said. You had had time to think about it, and you realized you had been wrong to treat him that way. He had forgiven you, telling you that he should be the one apologizing and pressing a soft kiss against your lips. Even though you didn't have wings anymore, you knew that Cas would still treat you like an Angel. 

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