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Dean X Reader

Synopsis: You, Sam, and Dean have to go undercover at a masquerade ball for a case, and Dean is amazed by how good you look. (IDK I'm tired) 

 "A masquerade ball? Are you serious?" You asked Dean, who had just come back from asking the victim's family members the usual questions. Dean shrugged, leaning against the table. Sam looked up from his laptop.

 "So are we all going?" Sam asked, and you turned to look at him. "Hell yes, if I have to dress up, so do you guys." You said, and Sam chuckled before returning back to his laptop. 

"Now I have to go get a dress. Great idea Dean." You said, glaring at your boyfriend. Dean chuckled, walking over and pressing a kiss to your forehead. You closed your eyes, smiling at the show of affection. 

"Personally, I'm excited to see you all dolled up." He said as he pulled away, and you shook your head. You were definitely more of a sweatpants and sneakers girl than a skirt and high heels girl. 

"Well, you have to dress up too. That includes a mask, mister." You said, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his plump lips. Dean chuckled, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You heard Sam clear his throat, and you held up a finger to show him to give you a minute. 

 "How about I pick out your dress for you?" Dean murmured against your lips, and you looked up at him, eyes shining from the intimate moment.

"And end up wearing a snowsuit because you didn't want me showing off my body to anyone else but you? No thanks." You replied, and Dean scoffed before pulling away from you. 

 "Fine, but.. not too much skin okay?" Dean asked you, shrugging off his suit coat and tugging his tie off. You smiled, not giving him the satisfaction of you promising to wear something modest enough for Dean. 

 "I'm not promising anything." You said, grabbing your jacket and grabbing the keys out of Dean's hand. "I'll be back, gotta go dress shopping." You said, pressing a kiss to Dean's cheek and waving to Sam before leaving. 

 It was about 2 and a half hours later that you found the perfect dress. It was simple yet elegant. Dark purple, strapless, tight until it flowed out at the waist all the way down to your ankles. You wear a simple pair of black heels, and your mask was just like any mask. Black and filled with gorgeous designs. When you got back to the motel, you curled your hair and put on some makeup before getting into your dress and heels. 

Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, you walked out into the room. Sam and Dean were hunched over the table, both in fancy suits and their masks on the bed. They were watching a video on the laptop, and it must have been funny based on how hard they were laughing. You took a moment to admire Dean's ass in a suit before you cleared your throat, causing both men to turn around. 

 Based on their expressions, you would've thought they had just seen a goddess. Both their jaws dropped, their eyes going wide as they raked up and down your body. You blushed, feeling like a bug under a microscope by all the attention. 

"Wow, Y/n.... You look amazing." Dean stuttered, running a hand over his mouth. You flashed a small smile, muttering a quiet thanks as you turned to grab the guys' masks. You handed them to them, trying to ignore their gazes on you the whole time. 

 When you arrived, all three of you put on your masks, and you had to say it only increased Dean's sexiness. The dark fabric of the mask made his eyes pop, and you shivered as he wrapped an arm around your waist. 

"Dance with me." Dean said as you walked in, and you looked at him as if he was crazy. You couldn't dance. "Dean, I'm not so sure that's a good idea." You said, but he was already pulling you to the dance floor. 

"Sam's going to go melt the amulet, so why don't you and I enjoy it a little? Drink champagne, eat the fancy food, dance." Dean said, pulling you close as both of you started swaying to the music. You chuckled, shaking your head. 

"How do I keep up with you, Dean Winchester?" You asked, looking up at him. Dean smiled, spinning you around before pulling you back. 

"Lots and lots of coffee." He replied, and you laughed. The two of you danced the night away, talking about anything from this case to the stars in the sky. It really didn't matter. At one point, a man came up and asked if he could dance with you, but the look Dean gave him had him running in the other direction. 

 "You know, if you weren't so protective all the time maybe I wouldn't be so rebellious." You told Dean, and he looked at you with a mischievous smile. 

 "But I like that rebellious side of you, it's... sexy." He said, and you chuckled. Sam came up just then, running his fingers through his hair to keep it out of his face. 

 "It's done, we can go now." Sam said, and you and Dean looked at each other. "How about you just let us finish the song Sammy?" Dean asked, and you nodded encouragingly. Sam sighed, telling you guys that was fine before going to find something to drink. But you and Dean didn't just dance for the rest of the song. In fact, you two were the very last people to leave. 

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