Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 4

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Author's Note: I recently changed the name of the actors to be similar to the ones of their original characters. Don't be confused~ :D

             Kira (Sana/Sana) raised an eyebrow as she continued to read over her lines as she entered the studio. She knew that she had to study them by tomorrow, but she was too busy playing on her DS for the last few weeks to care about them. It wasn't like she had many lines this episode anyway. She came in for like five minutes and just stood there, although she was excited for the part where Sena dies.

            She would finally stop having an excuse to touch people inappropriately in her scenes. It was kind of annoying. She was just glad that she got to stop being Sena before she had to kiss someone like Akira (Actor of Madara). Akira was an obnoxious prick who always tripped her in the hall.

            She glanced up as her script was taken right out of her hands. She paused from eating her scone as she scowled up at Shou (Sasuke). His hair seemed to be the perfect level of spikiness, so the make-up artists had managed to tame that volume-less head of hair. That always amazed her.

            "Give it back," she ordered with a simple open palm held out towards him as she waited for him to give the script back.

            "Nah, I think I'll keep it," he said simply as she looked over the script. "Last minute cramming I see." He paused as he allowed his voice to fall to a more arrogant level. "You know, you're never gonna amount to anything as an actress if you keep up your extreme procrastination."

            "You're never going to amount to anything as a boyfriend if you can't get it up," Kira replied in a monotone, which caused Shou to shut up completely.

            "Where did you hear that?" He asked immediately and Kira bit her bottom lip as a grin began to form.

            "It was just a rumor, but now that I have confirmed its truth I think I'm going to spread it," Kira replied and Shou's eyes narrowed on her tiny figure, but just as he was about to make a witty retort the loud voice of the director broke the conversation off.

            "We're on in fifteen," the director shouted at the two, and Kira immediately grabbed her script and rushed to her private room to study at the last minute.


            Kira sighed to herself as she glanced at the camera. The green screen behind her was bright, but she ignored it as the director held up five fingers and slowly counted down three fingers before mouthing the last too.

            As soon as the camera began to roll she felt into character as her eyes began to water. She'd done scenes similar to this, but it was always weird to do a green screen double ploy. She didn't like talking to herself.

            "I don't want you to be happy while I disappear!" Kira snapped at the female actress in the blue getup, who would soon become Sena that would soon be another version of Sana. "You can't survive without me. You can't survive without me. Even if you gain control of this body...you won't know how to do anything. You don't know how to deal with this power."

            Kira did the rest of her lines with only one mistake, which she doubted that anyone caught.

            She got into perfect character at the end as tears filled her eyes and she cried for Sena. She delivered her final lines and then the camera went silent.

            As soon as everything stopped rolling, Kira easily dried her tears and looked over at the stony expression on the director's face. She didn't look at anyone else's face, as she only really cared about his opinion.

            "Kira..." He began before sighing as if it was hard for him to say. "That was beyond beautiful. It really was... but... those weren't Sana's lines. Those were Sena's"

            Kira could have died from embarrassment at that exact moment.


            "Nice, moron," Natsu (Naruto) said with a mocking grin as Kira only scowled at him with a heated frown.

            "Oh, bite me," Kira muttered as she didn't have a witty comeback for anything besides 'bite me' so she settled with it.

            "Don't make fun of her. At least she didn't stop a scene in the middle of rolling because they broke one of the Hokage statue's hands off," Shou said in a snippy tone as he glanced up from his script.

            "It was already loose, dipshit," Natsu snapped as he stood up quickly. "I'm going to have both of you fired one day. Mark my words."

            "He needs to get neutered," Kira commented as he left the room. Shou snorted in reply as he turned the page of the script.

            "He needs to get spayed," he replied as he turned another page. "Who writes this crap?"

            "Kishimoto-sensei and Juuri-sensei," Cassie said in a matter of fact tone.

            "Yeah, well, Juuri needs to stop putting scenes with Sana and Madara in here. She should know that that couple is really incompatible," Shou muttered and Kira raised an eyebrow.

            "Eh, it's not like I have to do anything inappropriate..." she replied.

            "There's a sex scene coming up though," Shou muttered.

            "No there isn't," she replied with a bored expression as she turned the page.

            "In my version of Naruto there is," Shou replied.

            "Write a fan fiction of your own then," Kira retorted with an unamused voice.

            "We should make a porno together, it could be fun," he joked.

            "Don't be stupid. You'd be called hot and some kind of sex god who's body women 'worship'. I'd be called a whore," Kira replied and Shou smirked.

            "Is that your only reason?"

            "Pretty much."


                                                  :::AUTHORS NOTE:::

Dude it's been forever since I've made one of these hasn't it. Someone asked for it so I wrote it since she was really nice and I'm a major pushover. xD

I've been quite busy lately, and I have a cold >.<

I am sorry for not updating any of my other stories for a while, but I wanted to get something out before I cough up and die. I'm just kidding.

Anyway, I wish you all well, and I hope you liked this special extra chapter. It's short and that's the only reason why I wrote it. I know, every other chapter is in first person and this is in 3rd (I bet most of you didn't notice until I pointed it out, huh?) person. I just felt like it. No other reason.

Thank you to everyone who read. I really appreciate every last bit of support I get C:

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