CHAPTER 1 ~ Shopping , Food, and Disney

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"Ooohh," I squealed before grabbing three boxes of Rice Krispies. "I so want these!"

My sister rolled her eyes and hit my butt with the shopping cart. (Speaking of rolling, did you know that my sister, my brother, and my parents can roll their r's?! Sadly I cannot and am left alone to be the only one in my family to not have the ability to make regular old words sound Latin-ish... Feel free to pity me for such misfortune; although I must add that there's nothing wrong with not being able to roll my r's... It's just sad in my case) The cold metal of the cart hit part of my thigh, causing me to wince in pain.

"Okay, um, OW?!" I blurted, rubbing my (now sore) behind.

"Come on, it didn't hurt, Neri. Keep walking, you're right in front of the cart. You're blocking my path."

I rolled my eyes. "I was walking, you dumb ass. But you decided to try and run me over."

"Oh, really? When?" Jessie questioned, clearly annoyed by my very existence.

"Just a second ago," I stated, crossing my arms in a huff.

She mimicked my arm-crossing as I stuck my tongue out at her. Believe me when I say that I love my older sister, Jessie, very much, but as everyone with siblings say... she can be a pain in the ass. I do realize that siblings do often mean well for the other, but that certainly does not negate the fact that she is, in all meaning of the term, a pain in the ass.

I skipped along the aisle, barely noticing the stares I got from nearby strangers. I am quite used to the stares, they are, to me, quite ubiquitous... that means appearing or found anywhere... my English teacher taught us that word in our Freshmen year of High School. Oh, how young, naive, and innocent I was back then... well, now that I think about it, I wasn't exactly innocent. I swore quite a lot... and from my "mature" brother, I developed what people call a "dirty mind, so I wasn't naive about S-E-X and stuff. Honestly, all I really was when I was a Freshman was than I am now.

Either way, I was used to people staring. I can't say that I'm exactly normal. No, I'm not a freak. And no, I'm not super popular. I'm not a basic bitch. I prefer sandals to uggs. I'd rather have my hair in a messy bun than down and straightened. I don't drink coffee on a regular basis, and when I do drink coffee, I have to drink decaf because I cannot handle all that caffeine. I've never actually ordered anything from Starbucks, I've only been at a Starbucks place once, and that was when my mom went, and me, being the 5 year old that I was, had to follow my mom into the coffee place. I'm not a band nerd. I'm not a straight-A student... I'm more of a straight-B or C student, if you know what I mean. I'm not unlucky and I don't have everything served to me on a silver platter. I'm not a bitch or a slut or a whore. If I were to be compared to the majority of the girls at my school, I'd obviously be dressed a lot more modestly, just by comparison.

I'm not exactly normal, so I'm used to people staring. They don't stare because of my looks. I don't even know if I have any looks worth mentioning. I mean, I kinda have pretty eyes, I guess. They're blue and have golden flecks. And, I guess my hair is rather tame. My friend Cammy's hair is barely controllable, and I don't know how she does it, dealing with all that frizzy, thick hair. I don't have many acne scars, and I keep unwanted hairs trimmed from my face. All-and-all, I'd say that I'm rather pretty. I've been told that before... by friends and relatives, mostly, but the details shouldn't matter... or should they? Eh... probably not, but oh well. I got the stares probably because I was so bubbly and carefree.

I am so bubbly and carefree, I can't hold back my energy!

Oooh.......... did that just rhyme?! And have rhythm?!

I believe it did!

I cooly gave myself a mental high five for a job well done. I might as well be a poet. I am, after all, still in high school, and there are still many open doors and opportunities just waiting for me! I could be a poet! Or a songwriter! Or a singer! Or an actress!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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