The Second Day of Christmas

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~Somewhere Secret~

Frank stumbled through the dark, his hands clutching at the air. The silence was unnerving, almost terrifying.

A brightness flickered in the distance.

Frank's eyes fixed upon the wavering light as he stepped carefully towards it. He didn't know what traps lay ahead of him, but the darkness was too intimidating to handle.

As he neared the light, he heard a soft chuckle that sounded almost familiar.

He called out, 'Hello? Is anybody there?'

The chuckling stopped instantly, which spooked Frank even further.

The source of the light became visible; a beautiful white candle, standing straight and tall, its bright flame dancing playfully in the dark. The candle stood atop a thin stand crafted with a mixture of celestial bronze and imperial gold, wrapped in ivy.

Frank shivered, despite the warm flame. He looked around as a voice whispered, 'Lux in mundum. Omnes constat.'

Like someone had suddenly switch on the light, the room was lit up by a thousand candles, floating along the marble walls. As Frank's eyes adjusted to the soft light, his mouth fell open.

'What in the name of Neptune's soggy underpants?'

~The Poseidon Cabin (the next morning)~

'Reyna's missing?'

Annabeth nodded, 'Hazel woke up this morning to find her gone.'

Percy sighed and ran a hand through his hair which was messier than usual. Frank and now Reyna; two down, ten to go.

There was a knock on the Poseidon cabin door and the others burst in with Leo in the lead.

'I found another one!' he shouted, waving a note. 'It's another riddle, just like yesterday's!'

'What does it say?' Annabeth asked eagerly.

Leo moistened his lips and read the note out loud as the others crowded around him, '"On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, two wrapped up presents and mistletoe up a pine tree.'"

Everyone was silent as they took it in.

'Two wrapped up presents?' Jason said finally. 'How are we supposed to find that?'

Annabeth frowned, 'There must be a clue within it.'

'Presents,' muttered Thalia. 'Presents, presents, presents. Where would you find presents at camp?'

'Under the Christmas tree?' Jason suggested.

'In one of the cabins?' Piper shrugged.

'What about the forges?' Leo said. 'Presents are like gifts and you can make gifts.'

'Maybe,' Hazel frowned. 'I don't know.'

'But you can buy gifts too,' Piper pointed out.

Travis and Connor high fived, 'The Camp Store!'

Percy looked at Annabeth and shrugged, 'Can't hurt to try.'

'Let's go,' she agreed.

The ten of them raced out of the Poseidon cabin and headed to the Camp Store where Rachel the Oracle and Lou Ellen from the Hecate cabin stood, talking in hushed tones.

'Hey guys!' Rachel called out as they neared. 'What's up?'

'Nothing important,' Percy said swiftly.

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