The Eleventh Day of Christmas

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  • Dedicated to My Friend Joshua

~The Hephaestus Cabin~

Leo opened ran his hands through his messy hair and snuggled deeper into his pillow.

It was so comfortable. His bed was specially designed for himself by himself. It had everything a fire user, son of Hephaestus would want. It was just so cosy. He did love his little room ...

He sat bolt upright and took in his surroundings. He was still in his room. He hadn't gone poof like the rest. That meant-

'Oh no,' he muttered. 'Holy Hephaestus.'

If he was still here, that meant Annabeth had disappeared. He was so sure that it would be her left over. Leo hadn't contemplated what would happen if it was just him.

Maybe the messenger had done that on purpose. Maybe they left him here because he couldn't do it on his own. If he couldn't interpret a clue, he would fail his friends. The eleven were trapped somewhere, and he wouldn't be able to find them.

Even worse, it was two days from Christmas.

'Leo!' his brother, Jake, called. 'You up, man?'

'Yeah,' Leo yelled back. 'Be out in a sec.'

Leo got dressed at high speed and pressed a button to lift his bed straight up through the floor. He came out facing the rest of the Hephaestus kids, which was really stressing. Have you ever tried to rescue your friends by solving weird riddles while trying to run a cabin of dangerous demigods? I can tell you now, it's most definitely not a picnic.

'Morning, guys and gals,' Leo said, trying to sound bright and happy. If he didn't joke around, his siblings would be able to tell something was wrong. 'So, I've got some work to do this morning. But I'll be back probably around midday. Jake, you're in charge until I get back.'

'You're going again?' Nyssa asked as Leo pulled on his fireproof army jacket, which was a gift from a friend.

Leo bit his lip, 'It's important. If it wasn't, I would stay and help. In the mean time, you guys keep working on the surprise we've got coming for camp.'

His brothers and sisters murmured agreement as Jake herded them out of the cabin for breakfast. Breakfast sounded really good to Leo, but he couldn't stand eating while his friends might have nothing.

A flash of light.

Leo rubbed his eyes, spluttering a few choice words in ancient Greek and Spanish. When the spots faded from his eyes, he found the next note waiting on his bed. The still paper seemed to taunt him, mocking his uselessness. He snatched it up and read it out loud.

'"On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eleven soaring stars, ten bouncing baubles, nine fairy fires, eight snowy messes, seven dancing canes, six Christmas goblets, five wooden sleighs, four working craftsmen, three volar reindeer, two wrapped up presents, and mistletoe up a pine tree."'

He folded up the paper, 'Great. Just great. Soaring stars. Does that mean shooting stars? I'm not waiting until night time.'

He gazed around the room and sighed before heading to breakfast.

~The Mess Hall~

Leo ate a sausage reverently.

He hated not knowing what to do, he hated feeling stupid, and he hated the messenger. If Leo ever found out who was behind it all, he was going to give them to Festus as a snack.

It all started with that first note hidden inside that stupid star on top of the-

Leo's head snapped up like his thoughts had run headlong into a wall. The star on top of the tree. Soaring stars. It wasn't shooting stars at all. It meant stars on top of Christmas trees.

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