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Stalzman Inc. was a small self owned company that over time grew into one of the largest companies on Santa Fe. The owner, Mr. Richard Stalzman, couldn't have been more proud of his son for taking over the family business once he retired and his wife passed away. Challenges were faced being the only son to a wealthy father who had his priorities straight for dealing with other known companies around the world. He knew what the job foretold once he had signed a written contract giving him full access to the fortune. Having to increase smaller businesses and transforming them into huge organizations and knowing that he couldn't do it on his own, he decided that the first step was to get himself a secretary. One that could take some of the load off his back. After all, he was the one to handle all the checks and personal information that the clients had to offer. So, why not just help him with scheduling meetings with the said clients, and handle the business partners face to face first before seeing him. Sounded pretty normal to him. Wouldn't his father do the same thing?

Daniel Stalzman leaned back in his chair staring down at all the scattered resumes on his desk. It had already been a long 7 hours and he just desperately desired to go home. If he kept this up, he wouldn't get out until late and by then Shelly's dinner would be cold and his daughter would already be tucked in and asleep. He ran his hands over his face in exhaustion, ready to call it quits until his desk phone buzzed and a males voice echoed in the quietness.

"Mr. Stalzman, your wife is on the other line." He stated in monotone.

"Thanks, Rick, I'll take it from here." Daniel pushed the transfer dialer. "Hello, Shell, I'll be home as soon as I can."

"Don't bother hurrying, it's not like you could actually remember our date that you promised me last week. The food is already gone. Kat was a little hungrier than normal tonight, so I let her eat yours. I'm pretty sure you'll order take out like you always do."

He sighed over the phone. Here we go again. "Sorry, Sweetie, I just have a lot of work to catch up on."

She snorted before hanging up the phone without another word.

Since it was confirmed that he really had no obligation to come home to his pissed off wife he decided to go through all the resumes in front of him. As he searched through to find the perfect candidates capable to his bidding, one in particular caught his eye causing his exhaustion to become instantly forgotten.


7:00 in the morning and already Talia was pounding into her of every little possible detail in todays agenda. "Remember, we have to go shopping for Chris's birthday and what are you doing, you cant put on lipstick at a job interview, not when you have eye shadow on. He's going to think you'll sleep with him for the job."

Tanya looked over her shoulder at her obnoxious comment, but agreed to put the lipstick away for another day.

"Curl your hair and clip the sides, it looks cute when you do that; especially, since you have a pretty face. Now, do you know what to do for interviews?" She questioned as she studied her face for any signs of fear or insecurity. After all, you're not allowed to show it at interviews.

"Yes, believe it or not I have done this many times, Talia. I know what I'm doing." She snapped. The situation was bad enough having to confront a random stranger and him asking her questions about the type of person she was. She just didn't feel like being lectured anymore on not being herself for the day.

"Yeah, says the girl who was about to put on makeup like a hooker. It's getting close to leaving, do you need a ride over there?"

"No, I'll walk, it's only a few blocks up the street." Tanya insisted and, though her sister hated her stubbornness, she nodded allowing her to go her own separate way.


Upon arrival, she had printed out the suite and office number to her interview and rode up the elevator. The door to his office was cracked just enough to see him casually sitting at his desk looking over some paperwork. She hesitantly knocked at his door and his eyes shot up to her so quickly, she couldn't stop from jerking back.

"Ah, Miss Farson I take it. Please have a seat." Tanya slowly moved into the room without a word and sat in front of him. "Please, tell me about yourself."

"I studied in Utah for Administration work for a year and a half and then went back for my internship in California. Got employed by V-Tech as a Costumer Service Representative and worked there for two years before coming here."  

"Yes, I can see that. What is your biggest weakness when working in a big environment?"

Tanya stared into his eyes without saying a word.


Talia was typing on her laptop for work when Tanya walked in. "Hey, how did it go?" She asked.

"I got the job. He hired me on the spot." She answered with no hint of excitement in her voice. Talia only looked at her, biting her tongue from blurting out what she wanted to ask, instead she took another route.

"So, we should celebrate."

"I don't see what for. It's only a job, Talia."

Talia stopped typing and looked back at her. "A job that pays good money, Tanya. Never mind, Chris is coming over today just to let you know." She turned back to continue her essay.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up." Tanya put down her bag and took off her shoes before going into the kitchen. "How long is he staying until?"

"Maybe for a few hours at most."

"Exactly please."

"Grab two hours worth of food, should be plenty until he leaves." Talia said.

"Thank you." Tanya grabbed some chips and left over casserole she made two days ago and disappeared into her bedroom.

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