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Everyday was the same for Tanya. She would sit at her desk and work silently all the while Daniel would sneak glances in her direction. There had to be a way to get her to open up, to break through this wall that she seemed to have up towards everyone in the office. Though he didn't know how long she had been this way, it was obvious she had no intention on trying to make nice with the other staff.

Suddenly, an idea came to him. Daniel didn't know if it would work, but he at least had to try. He put his laptop on lock and contacted his personal coordinator. My God, he was gonna throw her a mandatory welcome party for the entire office to celebrate. Yes, this party had to seem sincere and believable and not just to see how restraint she really was.

"Hello, Mr. Boss-Man. What can I do for you?" A sultry voice asked through the ear piece that was attached to his right ear.

"Hello to you too, Debra. I need you for the next week."

He could hear her purring in his ear, "Careful, Daniel. I could tire you out in a day."

"For the last time, Debra. I am very married and you are very employed under me. Watch it."

"That's never stopped a man before." She said in a pout.


"Ugh, fine. What can I do for you, Sugar?"

"I need you to put together a welcome party for my new employee."

"Is he cute?"

"She is my employee and I suggest you keep your mind on your duties." Daniel snapped politely.

"I'll see what I can do." With that snarl, she hung up the phone.

He sat there and shook his head in aggravation. That flirting demeanor had been getting on his nerves lately, but she definitely knew how to do her job well, making it difficult to get rid of her. Once that step was complete, he moved on to another trusted ally. 

On the third ring, the other end of the phone picked up, "Hey, Ace. I need you to come to my office for an important matter. How long do you need to get here?" 

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in twenty." 

"Perfect! I'll see you then." 


"Hey, Tanya, I'm going to the store for more food. Would you like anything while I'm out?" Talia yelled from the front door.

Tanya slipped on her hoodie and skipped down the stairs. "I'll go with you, I want to get some writing utensils for work anyway." 

"Don't they have those things for you already?" Talia asked. 

Tanya's eyes immediately dropped to the floor. "You know me, I don't like using other peoples belongings. Makes me feel weird." 

Talia remained quiet as she looked over her sister. "Yeah, I know all too well." 

As Tanya roamed the aisles for her office supplies, she couldn't control her mind from going back to what Daniel's receptionist had to say about her. Sure, she knew she was strange, always had been, but did that really mean she was disturbed? Her body went still and it seemed her head became heavy with the clouded thoughts rummaging through her mind. 

If I talk to people, I get ignored. If I don't talk to people, there's something wrong with me. My life is one big fucking joke. 

"Five Star notebooks are pretty good, but a little too thick in my opinion. Too heavy to carry." At the sound of a familiar voice caused a dreadful filled sigh to escape Tanya's lips. "I know it seems that I'm stalking you, but I promise its coincidence. You left so quickly last time that I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Ace Montra. I am one of Daniels close associates." He held out his hand. 

Before Tanya could grasp his hand, Talia made an appearance beside her.  "Hi, this a surprise." She gave Tanya a curious glance.

"I work with Tanya, sort of." Ace stated, switching his hand in her direction instead. 

She took it in a firm grip as she replied, "I'm her older sister Talia." 

"It's really nice to meet you. By the way, I was supposed to give you this at the office, but since you're here. Here." He handed Tanya a flyer with the headline 'Mandatory Welcome Party' written in bold bright purple. Tanya sucked in a breath and gripped the pamphlet between her fingers. 

Talia peeked over her shoulder to read what made Tanya paralyzed. Tanya cut off her sister before she got a chance to speak. "I'm busy on that day."

"I understand, whatever the case, it is mandatory. Think of it as an important meeting."

"She'll be there, I'll make sure of it." Talia interrupted any further dispute. "Would it be possible to come to this party? For her support I mean." 

"I don't see why not. I'll have words for the boss-man." Ace stated. 

Tanya's nervous system was raging while her breathing became labored. She couldn't believe this was happening. An office party for her. For what? A new employee that's easily replaceable. Without so much as a goodbye, she turned and began to walk away from them in a complete daze. 

Why would something like a damn party be mandatory? That's the dumbest thing that I've ever heard! Jobs should be just that, a job to work at for a certain amount of time and then leave.  

She almost jumped out her skin when she was suddenly yanked back. "I'll be right by your side. there's no need for you to have a panic attack." Talia stated. 

"Why mandatory? A party shouldn't be mandatory!" Tanya shouted under her breath all the while leaving Talia speechless.

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