Well, That Was Dum

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Bigby decided that Toad could handle himself. Even though he was small, he sure could put up a fight. But it didn't seem right. Why would Lawrence want to hurt Faith? I mean he married her for who she was. Not because she was pretty and was the King's daughter. All of this made no sense.

"We should go over what we have now while we have the time." Snow whispered trying not to draw attention. "All we know is her name is Faith. What else could there be?" Jack said a little depressed. "Well at least we have one suspect. But it doesn't seem as if Lawrence would hurt her. He loved her." Cerise said thinking about the story. "No. It doesn't seem like he would. But we can't take any chances." Snow said. "By the way Lawrence isn't our only suspect. I caught Woody having a whole brawl with the girl some hours ago." Bigby went on. "Woody? As in the Woodsman?" Jack asked confused. "No. As in the Woodpecker. Of course the Woodsman." Bigby replied sarcastically. "As in the Woodsman from My mother's story. As in... my father." Cerise disappointedly mumbled.

Who would've even thought. In some stories Red marries the wolf. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT. PUTTING BEASTALITY IN A CHILDREN'S STORY! DESPICABLE!! Anyway back to the story.

It took hours to to get to Lawrence's house. It was morning when they got there. The front door was cracked open enough that you could see the reflection of the TV lights bouncing off the walls. Even though it was open, it was a DUM idea to go through the front door. So they climbed into the window on the side of the building. The place smelled of beer, mold, and death? It didn't take long to realize that Lawrence was dead. Blood was everywhere only to remind Jack of what happened to his friend's mother. And of what would happen if he got in Bigby's way.

Walking around the house Bigby and Cerise set up a crime scene while Jack and Snow checked the other rooms. During the crime sleeping pills, a gun, the shell casing of a bullet, well the bullet, and a note was found.

Bigby picked up the note and began to read. "My dearest Faith, I never meant to hurt you and cannot endure knowing that I have. This was for the best. I'll see you again. Love, your devoted Lawrence." It kinda hurt them all. He did love her. But knowing both of them are dead... *sighs*.

"What do you think of this?" Snow asked disgusted by the lifeless body in front of her. "Murder maybe." Bigby replied examining Lawrence. "Or it could be suicide." Cerise thought aloud. "What? How?"Jack asked not persuaded. "Ok just react the scene. If I was the murderer and I came through the front door and I shoot him in chest. But something's off. The bullet is in the wall." Cerise explained confidently. "You might be on to something Lil' Red." Bigby said to her. "If he was shot from the door or even in front of him... there's a chance the bullet would be in him or would've hit the floor." "Exactly! But... if I sit where he's sitting and hold the gun here then pull the trigger..." Cerise began. "It would've went through him, through the back of the chair, and hit the wall." Snow concluded. "The trajectory of the bullet is perfect for committing suicide." Cerise said. "You're right. Well done. Your mom would've been proud." Bigby said happily but still feeling a little guilty.

Snow went on about how she should know his face and then he blinked. "Bigby he's alive!" Snow shouted quietly. Lawrence began talking. Wanting to know what they were doing in his house and Snow proceeded to speak. "We can take you to Swineheart, have him look at you" "Hold off on that for a minute Snow." Bigby told her then he continued to talk to Lawrence. "I need to ask you some questions." "Why wh--what's this about?" Lawrence shakily asked. Bigby continued on. "What happened?" Lawrence then confessed to committing suicide and thought he'd be dead by now. He did it because he was ashamed. He couldn't live knowing he'd done something to hurt Faith.

Bigby decided to tell him half truth. That his wife was missing. Lawrence then drew his on conclusion. Blaming someone named Georgie. Just as Bigby was about to ask who Georgie was, there was some knocks delivered to the door. "We need to know why whoever it is is trying to break in. I need you to play dead. You can't move in your condition anyway so stay still. As soon as we know who it is Bigby can arrest them." Snow told as fast but as clear as she could. "Ok. Give me the gun just in case." Lawrence said. After it was done all four of them got it the closet. Cerise and Jack knelt down while Snow and Bigby stood and closed the door.

The door was unlocked and a big man walked through (by big I mean rounded) the door and started searching the place. Lawrence didn't move not once. You'd actually think he was dead. The "big" man then let up the bed that had the note on it and scanned the area. He started towards the closet, when Bigby jumped out and the guy ran.

The Woodsman's Apartment South Bronx

"And we ended up going out the window and I landed on Toad's car." Bigby said finishing up the story about how he had an encounter with Woody. "Ha. I bet that's just like him. Getting drunk then blaming people for HIS mistakes." Cerise said not surprised. "You guys made a real mess." "Yea it looks worse in the day." Bigby said scratching his neck. "To bad I missed an epic fight." Jack pouted. They looked up in the window but no one was there. So they continued into the Apartment building.

Entering the building you could hear crying from what sounded like a kid. Then Toad's voice was heard. "Alright son he's gone it's over now." They all exchanged looks and headed towards the room. Bigby then pushed open the door and Toad was there making his son go into the other room. "Bigby, Miss White surely you didn't come here just for my bother." Toad said nervously. "Well you called didn't you?" Jack asked. "Well yes but... Sorry Bigby I thought somebody else was in Woody's place. Imagination musta got the best ov'me." Toad responded. But nobody was buying it especially not Bigby.

"Someone was here and something's going on and so this wasn't a waste of time, I'm gonna look around before we leave, OK?" Bigby said. Jack went with Snow to look at TJ's collection. Not only because he liked insects but something was off with Bigby. Jack was getting scared of him. "What about you miss? You wanna go help 'em out?" Toad asked Cerise. "No. In fact I thought I help Bigby look around. I've gotten quite good at it." Cerise responded happily. "I'm sure you have." Toad mumbled.

The first thing they discovered was a lamp. Toad fibbed about how it fell off the table yet a fan and a clock was plugged into the two outlets. Bigby and Cerise looked at each other as if to say "He's lying". They both then went down the steps into what seemed like a TV room or whatever. "I got this side you take the other." Bigby told her. Cerise nodded and did what he said.

Bigby noticed fresh blood on the wall and asked Toad about it. "I cut me hand. Ran around trying to pick out a wrap. Must've got on some furnishments."Toad lied... again. "Hey Bigby. Come check this out." Cerise whispered while examining a window. "It's like claw marks. Or... a sign of struggle. What if someone or Toad was trying to get away but someone pulled him back in. And he tried to hang on for dear life but was snatched away creating this sign of struggle." "Mmmhmm." Bigby hummed examining the marks. Toad went on about how he forgot the keys to is place and had to climb through the window.

They went of in different directions again and found a load of evidence just waiting to be covered up with one of Toad's lies. "I think you're hiding something." Bigby said holding the fire poker. "I'm not lying honest." Toad replied. "We'll see." said Bigby. The last was a table with a large dust ring on it. "That more blood?" Toad asked even more nervous. "No. Just a clean space in the dust. Did you move something?" Cerise asked. "Maybe one of Jrs toys or something." Toad responded.

Bigby looked at the table and then at the broken lamp and got a conclusion. "The broken lamp used to be here right? Just tell me what happened." Bigby said try to get an answer out of him. But it didn't work so Bigby went to talk to Snow. "Is there something stopping you from telling the truth?" Cerise asked Toad. "What? You think I'm lying?" Toad yelled. "I do." Cerise replied.

Bigby came back but he was furious this time. "Can we please just get to the end of the page before I have to get mean." Bigby angrily but he was holding back his rage. "I don't know what you want Bigby there's nothing going on." Toad said hiding his nervousness. He went about how everything had an explanation. But Bigby kept his cool he caught Toad in all of his lies. Just then Jack, Snow, and Toad Jr. came out of the other room. "Any progress?" Snow asked Bigby. But he wasn't paying attention. But as soon as Toad bent over to hug his son. Blood could be seen leaking from the back of his head.

"Mr. Toad you're bleeding." Jack realized. "Take off the hat." Bigby said. Toad did what he was told. He couldn't lie his way out anymore. He finally told the truth. He explained Tweedledee or Tweedledum broke into his apartment talking about something the Woodsman had. And when he told him he didn't he beat him up. Toad also explained that if Bigby came over when he called his wouldn't have been hurt.

Faith's coat was given to or donkey skin was pulled out of the chimney and was placed on the chair. "There's a letter here it's addressed Lawrence." Bigby said examining the letter. It read "I'm sorry, Faith." They had all they needed so they decided to leave. "If your looking for the Woodsman, he's at the Trip Trap." Toad said informing them. And off to the Trip Trap they went.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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