The end of Kaylor

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Taylor wiped her cheeks with the back of her hands. She'd been crying nonstop since the moment Karlie had hung up on her after another heated argument. 

This one had been about how Karlie felt she was losing her individuality in the 'kaylor' frenzy and that Taylor's fans were attacking her for not throwing the gauntlet with Kim over the Famous drama.  

Karlie was understandably upset with the whole being criticized for not getting involved on Taylor's behalf and even though Taylor understood why she(K) didn't, it seemed her fans just did not get it.

"I am fucking tired of having to explain my position every time you're in a new drama, Taylor. The world thinks all i'm good for is giving them an update about the state of our friendship or your new music or what ever freaking else i do they make about you. I've been busting my ass trying to do something good, something i love with Koding but all they ever want from me is another quote about Ms Swift. I love you and i'm happy for you that the world is so taken, but i will not have my work overlooked and my individuality buried just because i love you! I can't take it. " Karlie had said, her breath hitching at the end letting Taylor know she was hurting behind the anger.

And it broke Taylor's heart, shattered it to smithereens.

She knew her friends suffered a lot because of the obsession the media seemed to have about her. The blogs tended to ignore what her friends had going for them and focus on what they had to say about Taylor. It sucked, huge, especially when they did that to Karlie who was nothing but kind and giving to everyone. Even those who did not deserve it.

"I'm sorry, Karlie. I offered to tweet about Koding, bring more awareness to the good you do, but you didn't want that. "

"Come one, Taylor. You know they would have made that all about you and how supportive you are instead of the actual project."

Taylor had sighed, feeling totally hopeless because Karlie seemed like nothing could console her and Taylor had a feeling this conversation would not have a happy ending for either one of them.

"Karlie, i don't know what to say and i don't know how to fix this, or make it right for you. I'm sorry. But i don't want to lose you either. You're important to me. They know nothing about what a good person and girlfriend you've been to me. I don't want anyone but you and if you leave me i will lose everything. Everything. Cause that's what you are to me. Don't you get that?"

Karlie had emitted a humorless laugh that rubbed Taylor the wrong way, and then she commenced to tear Taylor's soul into shreds.

"That's the whole issue. Maybe we shouldn't be each other's everything. I don't want to lose a careeer and an identity for a realationship. I refuse to let myself be reduced to a character in someone else's story."

That's when Karlie had hung up and went on to not pick up when Taylor tried to call.

Which brings us to thi point. When Taylor is in tears and engulfed in hoplessness.

She knew it wasn't easy for any of her past partners but seeing it break her and Karlie up like this was crippling. She didn't even know if she would ever give her heart away freely and trustingly as she had done with Karlie.

The saddest part was that she didn't think could even if she tried.

Love was too painful to lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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