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jeonghan's cheeks flared a bright red, "i know! i know! i didn't have any time to clean recently!" he kicked an empty bowl of ramyeon to the side before trying to push mingyu out the doorway but the teenager won't budge.

"hyung wait! i could help you clean your gross- i mean, gorgeous house, it'll be great!" mingyu's eyes brightened, already starting to pick up some trash that was spilling out of the tiny trashcan.

"no. that sounds horrible. if the school finds out that i'm employing a student to be my cleaner i'll get fired." jeonghan was firm, tugging mingyu by  the back of his blazer and pulling him out.

"come on, please? you don't even have to pay me, and i actually like cleaning." mingyu was practically begging, doing the puppy eyes. "i'm really good at it, hansol calls me housewife gyu because i'm damn good at using the vacuum." he blurted, gripping onto the door frame.

jeonghan paused, taking a moment to register what the other had said, "housewife gyu ? really?"

"yeah." mingyu felt the heat rising to his cheeks, a dorky grin making it's way to his lips. "i guess that makes me boyfriend material." his heart started beating fast, giving jeonghan a suggestive look.

"oh my gosh" jeonghan just laughed, completely brushing off his second statement. mingyu was admittedly disappointed at the reaction he got from his attempt at flirting, but at least he made jeonghan laugh, watching his hyung try muffle his giggles with his hand was unbelievably cute.

"so is that a yes?"

"honestly," jeonghan took a couple seconds to regain his composure, "as a rational adult i'm obliged to say no, but i'll make you my exception, kim mingyu."

'my exception.'

"-but you shouldn't come by everyday, how about tuesdays?"

mingyu blinked, having spaced out for a good five minutes. "huh..? y-yeah, tuesday is good." he bit his lip, trying to hide his dumb smile.

"okay." jeonghan tilted his head to the side and chuckled, crossing his arms.

"it's getting late, I think you should get home, I wouldn't want your parents to worry about you."


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