Chapter 3

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It had been a week since Nathan arrived there and everything seemed to be so fine. Lionel and Meredith had already met him and I saw they'd got on well with him so I was relaxed because all was fine.
That week, just a day after Nathan arrived, Katherine called me, as I had told her to do, and telling me about the cases I was nearer to. She told me that, on November fourth, I had the first meeting with the protagonist of a new case.
So there I was, sit in my chair behind the big desk. I got there early, half an hour before planned, but it wasn't until forty minutes later when someone knocked the door and Katherine appeared from outside.
-Mr, the visit you were waiting for has FINALLY arrived.-she said, rolling her eyes.
-Well, thank you, Katherine. Let it in.-I said. I didn't understood why she rolled her eyes
She assented and she went away. Her presence was replaced by a man's one. He was small and fair-skinned, with so much hair on both sides of the head. The top of it was empty, letting see his head skin.
-Hello, welcome. I'm Noah Kennedy.-I introduced myself, as I always do in new cases.- Get closer, please.
The man, who seemed to be a bit lost, reacted and went there, closer, with big steps.
-N-Ni-Nice to meet you, Mr.Ke-Ke-Kennedy.-he said, stuttering
When I looked with attention at his head, I thought it should have been raining  outside, but then I looked at his clothes, a simple blue suit with black buttons at the final of the sleeve, over a white shirt. All his suit was dry, except the shirt and the suit collar, which were wet: he was sweating a lot.
He took his suit jacket off, letting me see the stain of sweat he had in his shirt's armpit part.
He gave me five and my hand got wet. Even his hands were sweating.
-What's your name?-I asked while I dried my hand discreetly with a serviette, in which there was written the name of the building: "Kennedy's Lawyers".
-My name i-is Jo-Jo-Joshua Cla-Clayton, Mr.-He talked fast, pretty fast, and he stuttered while talking.
-Well, Mr.Clayton.-I said.-What can I do for you?
-W-Well, Mr.Ke-Ke-Kennedy-he started.-Very big drops of sweat were falling from his temple.-I-I-I'm the propri-pri-prietary of a t-t-toys bu-bu-bu-business.-He spoke while he was tightening his tie. His pale skin, who had been turning into pink, got a pale red color.
-Wait, Mr.Clayton. Would you like to drink some water?-I asked him when I noticed the situation. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and the case was losing all the seriousness it should have had.
-Y-Y-Yes, ple-please-he said.-If you're th-th-that k-k-k-kind.-His voice, flickering, was making me nervous.
I went to the water machine and I took a glass from the collection which was next to it, on a small oak wood table. I served in it cold water.
When I gave it to him, he thanked me and he took the flash with shaking hands, fact that made me think I should call the cleaning service in a while. He drank clumsily, getting even more wet his shirt collar.
-It's OK.-I said, while I started writing the name of my client and his work in my notebook.-What can I do for you?-I repeated the question for a second time.
-W-Well. It tu-tu-turns out t-this mo-mo-mo-months haven't b-b-b-been as I waited.
-How do you mean? Economic problems?-I asked. We were finally starting. He assented quickly. How many money have you lost?
-A-A-Ab-bout a fifty-ty-ty per-per cent.
-Well, and this lost of money affected to your payments, didn't it?- I was trying to focus on the case.
-Y-Y-Yes.-he confirmed. He was tightening his tie again, harder than before. His skin, who had already turned into white, started turning into scarlett again. That, if it wasn't it yet, was very worrying for me, so I saw myself in the situation of asking him:
-Sorry, Mr.Clayton, are you OK?
-Y-Y-Yeah, don't wo-wo-worry.-he said while tightening his tie again and again.
-Sure?-I asked, even though I refused to believe what he was saying.-Look, Mr.Clayton. To be honest, I don't think you're alright to be here right now. I want you to go home and relax. I'll tell to my secretary to call you to tell you the next meeting and complete the situation you're worried about, but we're not going to do that today.
-B-B-but... Mr.Ke-Ke-Ke-Kennedy.-He complained.- I can't wa-wa-wait any long-long-long-longuer! It's so urgent!
-It's more urgent your health. At least, for me. So please, I'd be grateful if you went home to relax or you went to the doctor to do some tests. I'm going with you to the exit.-I got closer to his chair and I helped him to stand. He took his blue suit jacket and he stand.
Even if the man was complaining, he didn't put up to me, thing it was good for me. Quickly, I said to him I was sorry but that his health was more important to me. When he went out of the building, talking (appareantly) alone, I went to Katherine:
-Please, Kate. Add a meeting with Joshua Clayton for the next week... or after.
-Of course, Mr.Kennedy.
-Now I understand why you rolled your eyes.-I said.
She smiled at me. Her hair, platinum, seemed a curtain, hiding her face while she was writing in her schedule.

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