chapter six

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((A/N I know everyone is just dying to see how it ends right? No? Oh okay. Sorry for updating so late and yea let the story begin and after finish!))

Levi huffed as he waited for the cadets to report their mission. He knew that Armin would be there for a fact. He'd propose to him as soon as the boy walked in. Who cares if people saw? He loved Armin that much.

He sighed, and looked towards Hange. She gave him a reassuring smile. Levi practiced his lines for the entire time. Hopefully the boy accepted the request. Hange sighed happily. Only a few minutes until...

Eren, Jean, Reiner, and Krista filed in with a sad look on their faces. Levi looked at them questioning look on his face. "Where's Armin?" He asked. Everyone in the room looked down. Levi growled. Hange looked down. Don't tell me... She thought silently.

"Are you going to speak up or what?!? Tell me where Armin is!!" Levi stood up and shouted. Eren looked down and cleared his throat.

"Um, sir.... Armin has... he has... he bravely fought the Titans, giving his life to.., to save me.." Levi sat back down, the look of shock on his face.

"H-he died... protecting you..?" He asked unsteadily and quietly. Eren nodded. "Y-yessir." Levi slumped down. "N-no way..." He whispered. Hange looked uncomfortable. "Levi... are you okay?" She asked.

Krista looked over with concern. "You didn't have to tell him, I could've." She said quietly. Eren sniffed. "I needed to. I had to." He said back in the same tone.

Levi looked down. "Hange... I'm not o-ok-oka.." His voice cracked with emotion before he could finish his sentence.

"No!!" He screamed out. "Why?!? Why him?? Out of everyone in the Survey Corps, why did he have t-to- AUGH!!!" He sobbed violently, burying his face in his crossed arms on top the table. Hange looked away, saddened by the sight before her. Eren cried softly along with Levi. Jean, Reiner, and Krista looked down. They had known the cheerful blonde for a while, and now he was gone just like that. A new cadet, of which no one knew the name of yet, walked past the room at that moment, hearing the conversation.

"Why the big fuss over one little boy? You don't make a big deal over the thousands of deaths that have happened." She said, shrugging her shoulders. Levi looked up at her, eyes streaked with red and cold gray irises stared at her.

"W-what..?!? Armin was my lover, the light in my dark life, when I was with him, I felt... happy, something I hadn't felt in so long... And now he's gone... and so is that happiness... So don't you dare ask me why I'm making a big deal out of it you little-" Levi raised his fist to deliver a hard punch, but found his limb caught.

Eren looked at him with sad eyes. "I loved him too.." He muttered. Levi stared in shock. "Wha-"

"I said that I loved him too!" Eren yelled. Levi stiffened. "I loved him so much, but.. but he loved you and I couldn't ruin it for you guys, especially since you loved him back... I was too afraid to confess.. look where it got me!!" Eren shouted, tears streaming down his face once more.

Levi slumped again, crying one more. Everyone left the room as their Captain had his breakdown.

"He's accepting his death..." Hange whispered. "He just needs time, a long time since this was a very special person."

Jean sighed, Reiner stared, and Krista cried softly, barely audible.

Eren left, hearing screams of despair coming from the room he had just exited.

Time to tell Mikasa...

~~Time skip Yoo-hoo right?~~

Mikasa sat at the mess hall, beside Sasha, who was trying to coax her to give her the potato.

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