ending note

493 13 1

So, I've been thinking. I had Annie say unneeded dialogue which had no reason whatsoever. My original plan was to have Annie being one of the causes of Armins death. 

Ya know, like the kind of 'If I can't have him, then no one can!' kind of situation. So just letting you know, that there was some reason for Annie say that. 

Like, you know in the naive how Annie as a Titan (spoilers, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows that) sent the titans to a part of the group when they went outside the walls? So, Annie was supposed to have sent the Titan after Armin and have him die. Just letting you know. 

I will post more fanfics and stories, so know that. Most of them will either be sad or just plain messed up, but I will try my best to do some happy ones. Happy stories are my hardest struggle. 

Anyways, ba bye!!

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