Chapter 3

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In mythology we're learning about Chinese folk lore. I haven't learned about anything yet. We just learned that Chinese folklore is very different than others(reader, if you know about Chinese folk lore please give a comment and I know nothing so please don't be offended) is sadly the bell rang. Some of us said awws, others said yays, and the other ones just ran out.
I walked to my last class of that day. Nervous, Anxious, and excited. My last class is science. We're learning about newtons laws. Today was boring. Nothing exiting happened nothing no embarrassing. So boring it was very boring.
After school me   and Helene walked back to her house which is
about 1-2 miles away. Once we got there we went strait to work. The extra chore we did was pulling out the weeds in their garden and flowerbeds. The have a huge house. They have a garden, pool, trampoline and still has enough room to host a family reunion. Their front yard isn't as big but still has 3  flowerbeds. So we had a lot of work to do. We worked for about an hire and then we were done... very surprisingly. We had dirt all over the place. Her mom wouldn't let us in unless we used the hose to ash off our feet. T took us a little bit longer because we sprayed each other while washing of our feet. Instead of being dirty we were muddy. I sneezed and I had mud up my nose!! How w does that happen! X) any ways we had to Chang in her room. Her room has a Samoan theme it has blues and on one wall there is a picture of an ocean. She says she was born there. It had a very clear ocean and bright blue sky's it also had vibrant waves crashing against a golden shore. I got changed in to sweatpants and a sweat shirt clearly not wanting to go and make an impression. Yet Helene dressed up like she was going an a date. She had a bright red dress with heels and bright red lipstick. To be honest I didn't even know she had that girly of makeup and a dress.she stared straight at me and said

"You are not wearing that" and walked into her closet. She pulled out three options one that was a long dress that was gold and white the second option was leggings with shorts over and she said you could wear your sweatshirt and the last position is jeans and a comfy t-shirt. I of course chose my out fit but if I didn't pick one she said that she'll do my drivers test and flunk it just do she had to do it. So I chose the jeans and t-shirt the jeans were black and slim. The t-shirt was purple and had a fuzzy inside, that's why it's so comfy.
"Fine. I'm only wearing the jeans and t-shirt is so you don't get hurt," (She doesn't know how to drive so she would most likely crash)
"Yay!!!" She yelled, a little too loudly and rushed me to go changed. I started to change and all if a sudden *riiiiiiiip* I froze.
" you ok in there?" Helene asked
" not if you love the jeans you chose," I said hesitantly
" did you rip them!!" Helene exclaimed,
"Maybe" I said embarrassed
" wow, that's alright just choose my other pair of jeans,"
" ok, I'm sorry,"
"no problem"this time I carefully put on the pants and threw in the shirt. I walked out and she didn't say anything... is that a bad thing? Oh well. I got in the car to get to the DMV and I froze. I literally couldn't move out I fear.
"Relax. Everything's gunna be ok, do you understand?"no comment by me. I took a deep breath and put the car in reverse. I back out vary slowly, maybe not even 2 mph, and we finally got out of the drive way. I started driving not realizing that the car was still in reverse and we flew backwards. Luckily my instant reaction was the emergency break. This was going to be a rough drive. I had to go faster so I pressed the gas peddle And now we were going 20 mph. We finally made it to the freeway and I went to go and *WHAM*

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