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Obviously it would be hero but how. As Helene kicked butt I sat down and went into the fetal position and rocked until Helene came up to comfort me.
"Hey... you ok?"I didn't say anything for awhile.
"Um...sure. I just figured out that my best friend had the biggest secret and didn't tell me... and that the secret was her having powers. And guess what? I have powers too! I think I'm a little overwhelmed. As you can tell with the entire position and all."
"Yeah, it's a lot to take in,"
"Ya think!?" I looked at her. How could she have kept that secret away? Tucked right under my nose. Helene helped me stand up and took me to her house. You know that big closet of hers? That's only half of it: there's a secret button and it opens up the wall into a training center and there were people working there. How much money does she have? It was so busy like this just wasn't for her so many thoughts were rushing to my mind it gave me a head ache. My head was throbbing I could hear it. Everyone's voices faded. All I could hear was the horrible throbbing in my head. I grabbed my head thinking; maybe this will stop it. It didn't. All it did was make it throb even more. I fainted. At least that's what Helene said. But while I was out, I saw things. I saw people in rows of ten, ready to attack. Each of their faces had hatred almost programmed into them and in a flash there was the face of a ruthless warlord, but he seemed eerily familiar. After that there was a clock it was pointed at 7:00 pm a building popped up it was the Gilmore Car Museum. In Michigan I woke up. I was on the ground with Helene over my head. At least the headache was gone. Was this a vision?
"Are you ok?" A blob said
"Helene?" I said sitting my aching body up.

"ya, its me, what happened?" she was still a blob to me but I knew it was her, i decided not to tell Helene, she kept a huge secret from me so one little lie wont hurt her.

"I'm just overwhelmed"S looked at me, studing my face to see if i was lying and then she walked away

" come over here we have a machine to tell us your powers you'll have and what ones are more predominant and ones that you'll get when you have mastered other powers, the maximum powers one can have are 5 but most people have two, like myself," all I remember seeing her do are the elements... then it clicked she wasn't using wind to fly she was just flying.

"hello?" Helene was now clear and not a blob but she was in my space, probably because i was out of it, in my own thoughts 

"sorry i was out of it" Helene just looked at me like "no derp sherlock" but i was now more interested to the way she decorated the place, it was like if a gym and a hospital had a baby and lived with her sassy aunt, this is what it would look like. the cream floor tiles but with hot pink padded walls with pictures of the 7 wonders of the world on the walls, they had glass sliding doors into the gym, a break room type thing and into a forensic lab. the rest of the doors were hard wood. very thick. enough to hold a lion back. an assistant opened the door, let us in and followed. the room looked like a surgical room.

there were white walls a metal tray on a counter with a sink and a hospital bed. for just coming here i thought i was just going to get my blood drawn but what it looked like was i was going under and getting my tonsils removed. this was a lot scarier. 

"um, what are you going to do to me?" popping the question while backing up so they would have to get a fight outta me if they want me to sit in the bed. but i should known that all the people here had powers and they all helped with their jobs. and this worker has hypnosis. So I, involuntarily, got in the bed, i was chained to it and then *snap*

"wh-" i tried to say but the lady cut me off,

"shhh, your so close just relax" instantaneously i tensed up and tried to get out of the stupid chains. i never looked at that lady again because if i did i would have gotten hypnotized and i'm not doing that again Helene held down my arm then the lade pressed a needle in it, started to loose feeling in my fingertips, then my forearm, then it spread to everywhere but my head. all i could do is speak. I haven't spoken because i was so focused on getting out, my brain didn't think of speaking. as i lay there motionless i start to yell

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!! I CANT FEEL ANYTHING!!!WHY CANT I FEEEL ANYTHING!!HELENE, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!!!!" i stared a her, waiting for an answer but she just stood up and walked out, with one single tear falling. she left me, not knowing anything and with a person who could make me dance like a chicken, eat spiders, and jump of a cliff to die. if i didn't feel betrayed enough that was the final draw. i was never speaking to her again.

Everything went black. i felt the soft bedding of Helenes bed. wait, was that apart of my.... vision? i stood up with a shock, like in one of those dreams where you were just al of a sudden falling of a cliff. ya it felt like that too,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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