Blow your mind

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"I have a crush on your uncle..." um so she has a crush on my UNCLE?! What that's so weird and gross and cool at the same time.
"Your mad aren't you." She said disappointed and sad.
"No, I think it's wired but cool"
" ok."
"So" she said awkwardly. we sat for like five minutes.
"Ya... ok I can't handle this awkwardness I think it's cool"
"Ok thank you and sorry it made it awkward.'

"no problem-" *CRASH* helene and i scream. people in black ninja like suits come through the broken window helene jumps on my bed. one of them locked the door. he sounded like the leader. they spoke in a different language that doesn't even sound humanly possible to speak. me and helene just sat there not knowing what to could here the bangs on the door from the nurses and doctors and maybe even the police. the guy were doing something it was likethe were looking for something. they ransacked the place. you could see that they didn't find what they were looking for. they're leader walked up to me and said in perfect english

"where the key" "i don't know what your talking about" i said trembling with fear. he slapped me tears ran to my eyes and then he asked the question to helene she replyed with

"what?'" he went into a stride to punch both of them in the face but something stopped him. i had had my hand up yet i didn't feel like anything was hitting me. i looked up and there was this blue translucent shield that i... i mean i had made a force field thing to stop him from attacking us. me and helene sat there amazed they all looked amazed even though there faces were covered my there masks. they all fled like i was a lion that hasn't been fed for months. what just happened... I saw a tattoo on one of the unruly men that looked like a infinity sign that had 666 above it.(the pic above) on their wrists. So are they the devils workers because that's creepy. Really creepy.  But what even weirder is that I made a shield.
"What just happened" Helene said we just sat in shock. We walked together to go get food. You know, were always hungry. We went to the cafeteria and there was chick-fl-a. Literally me and Helene are almost obsessed with them. After school we almost always go to it and talk for a couple hours. We walked faster even though we were just star struck by those devil worker men people...I don't know what to call them. And we go t our favorite things. We got it free when that saw our
wristband saying I'm a patient, I guess we get one free meal. Anyways we decided to not tell anyone so the hospital didn't go on lock down. But I need to talk to somebody. But all helene looked like was like she was thinking in a really hard math problem.
"Do you know who those guys are?"
"Huh? Uh. What? Sorry I wasn't listening," she said like she was really day dreaming.
"Do you know anything about what language they were speaking, why there after the key, do you know them?"
" I need to talk to you and this is going to blow your mind."

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