twenty two

29 2 2

woah there's only like 2 or 3 chapters left of this ~hannah

ryro: so am i, bren

ryro: im sorry too

ryro: but not quite for the reasons i think youre hoping for

ryro: im sorry for messaging you

ryro: im sorry for ever talking to you

ryro: im sorry for dating you

ryro: im sorry for kissing you and holding your hand and thinking we were the perfect couple

ryro: im sorry for trusting you and then getting my heart crushed by you

ryro: but what im not sorry for, brendon, is getting mad at you

ryro: im not sorry for what im about to say, either

ryro: i dont care that you were drunk, i dont care that you didnt mean to do it

ryro: drunk actions are sober thoughts, brendon

ryro: dont ever speak to me again

read, 02:47am

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