twenty three

22 2 0

hehe ~hannah

beebo urine: ryan

Oops, it looks like ryro's phone has been off/disconnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

beebo urine: ryan, please

Oops, it looks like ryro's phone has been off/disconnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

beebo urine: i know that it won't change your opinion on me

Oops, it looks like ryro's phone has been off/disconnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

beebo urine: but i really, truly am sorry

Oops, it looks like ryro's phone has been off/disconnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

beebo urine: and i love you, honestly

Oops, it looks like ryro's phone has been off/disconnected for a while. We'll deliver your message when they connect again.

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