Chapter 4: New friend

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*Perfect weapon by BvB starts playing*

I open my eyes groaning once again. Its only Tuesday...I thought. Oh well... I jump out of bed still half asleep. I probably shouldn't be watching so much YouTube before I go to bed..I whispered out loud. I take out a bring me the horizon shirt from my closet and a pair of blue jeans and black converse. I fix my bed and head down to eat breakfast. Cereal this time. After I eat, I go back upstairs finding my purple earphones and plugging them in my ears, turning on darling by eyes set to kill. Mom and dad still weren't up so I decided to leave anyway. I grab my keys off one of the shelves and throw my schoolbag over my shoulder walking out the doorm I lock the door and go to the bus stop. The bus comes in one minute and I hop on taking a seat next to the window.
Ten minutes later we arrive and I once again see a few kids from school getting off, too. I walk slowly towards school, enjoying the music. Once I get there, I go straight to my locker to take out books I will need for the first four periods. English, Spanish, Math and History. Ugh. That Dope who called me a fag is in all of my first four classes. Fucking asshole, I thought. I get my books and start to head for class. I was the first in line, so Ms Broaders let me in anyway. I sat at my desk quietly until the teacher started talking to me. I then realized she had a ring nose piercing. Woah cool, I thought. She had a few tattoos too and listened to metal while nobody was there. She is a pretty awesome teacher. She asked me how I was and I just kind of groaned and asked her if she could please move me to w new seating spot. “why” she asked. I dunno miss, I just don't wanna sit here, I replied trying to stay calm. “Is it because of Kiril?” She asks me. So I assumed that Kuril was that idiots name. Yes, miss. I said. The bells rang and students walked to class. “okay” Ms Broaders said. I made a slight sigh of disappointment as I saw Kiril walk in and throw his bag on the desk we shared. “oh look whose here” he says looking at me. He sits down and as I try to sit there mind my own business I hear a little “Go cut yourself emo freak” I growled and told him to fuck off. We were reading a book called "the outsiders" by S.E Hinton. Which was about two rival gangs called the socs and the greasers. I could imagine Kiril being the soc and I, the greaser. The socs beat up greasers for fun. They were the rich kids who lived West of town, where as the greasers lived more south. I could imagine myself as Johnny, the kid who got beat up by a soc named Randy once and is described as “a scared, lost dark puppy who has been kicked too many times”. The bell rings, waking me up from my imagination. I pack my books, putting them into my bag and heading for Spanish, which was luckily just next door. Kiril walks behind me and shoves me into the wall, whispering “fag” once again. I walk into class pretending not to give a damn. But of coursesomething just has to happen in Spanish... We are doing verb conjugation... It was easy. Just need to know the I, you, he/she, we, them, you (pl) but when it gets to we, the verb changing becomes emos. For example the verb "Hacer" (to do, or to make)

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