Chapter 2

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From author: Sorry for keeping you guys waitng!
I'm glad that there were many comments about the question I had but...
Even I don't know what to do! >_<

My sister wants me to make Mukuro, Byakuran and Xanxus to be the villains
and you guys want everyone to come out and now... I'm confused.
But please enjoy what my idea ends up with =^_^=
(I'm probably putting all the characters in, but I don't know how it's gonna turn out...TOO HARD TO CHOOSE!!!!!)


Xanxus: 3
Reborn: 4
Mukuro: 4
Hayato: 3
Takeshi: 3
Kyouya: 2
Squalo: 2
Enma: 3

(Please continue to comment on who I should add in >_<)


Disclamer: I don't own KHR or BNHA, but I own my creativity.

-----------Izuku P.O.V------------

I sighed tiredly as I trudged back home.
'Why is Kacchan always so mean to me?' That was all I thought when I looked at my singed exercise book Kacchan had exploded,
'You don't know if I will be one of the greatest heros, yeah just like All Might!' I smiled and laughed trying to imitate All Might my favourite hero.
All might was my favourite ever since I was a kid, he's the symbol of peace and the no. 1 hero of the time.

--------Normal P.O.V------------

'That's right! Don't listen to what others got to say!! Just keep looking forwards!' Izuku resolved himself,
"Well what do we have here... A guest in m-size."
"Wha-" Before he knew it, there was a green slime monster wrapping around him, effectively chocking him.
'Am I going to die here? Someone, save me!' Izuku started to lose consciousness as the villain tried to take over his body,
"Have no fear, Boy!! For I am here!" A blond man (with an antenna) appeared out of a manhole the villain had also appeared through.
"TEXAS SMASH!!!!!" The hero blew away the slimy villain with no sweat shocking Izuku,
"A-Al....M-" Everything went black as Izuku lost conciousness.

----------Tsuna P.O.V------------

"Izuku always wanted to be a hero but he doesn't have a quirk. I wish I could do something for him..." I was listening to Izuku's mother who was telling me more about my saviour while I was helping her with the house work.
'I wonder when was the lastime I had so much time like this...' Of course being with my guardians and friends were fun, but being a boss and all gave me too much pressure and burdens to carry,
"I'm so glad Izuku was able to help you, Tsunayoshi-kun." Her smile was very similar to mom, it made me feel calm and nostalgic
"It's fine if you call me Tsuna." Tsuna smiled one of his best smiles he could give and finished wiping the last dish.

----------Normal P.O.V----------

"Izuku's late don't you think? School should have finished few hours ago..." It was obvious that the woman was greatly concerned,
"I'll go-"


Outside the window, Tsuna could see smoke rising up from the streets.
"...I'll go find him." Tsuna grabbed his coat that Izuku gave him and rushed towards the door.
"It's too dangerous Tsuna!" Tsuna could visibily see Izuku's mother slightly quivering in genuine worry for him and her son,
"Don't worry, although I may look like this, I'm pretty strong you know." With that Tsuna disappeared through the exit leaving a concered mother behind.


"KACCHAN!!!!" Izuku ran towards the villain that was trying to take control Bakugo Katsuki,
"Izuku?!" Tsuna screamed as he watched his savior run towards the slime. Tsuna watched Izuku try to save the blond boy anxiously,
"Get away before you get injured!" Tsuna screamed, although he was worried and wanted to help, he could feel his intuition telling him not to interfere with this incident. Tsuna had to admit that he trusted his intuition more than anything since he knew nothing of this world and it wasn't his job to do anything.  Yet.  Tsuna watched the happening while chewing his lips nervously.
"DETROIT SMASH!!" The man that resembled one of Izuku's figurines appeared and easily flew the villain away and save the two boys. Tsuna realised that he was a greatly admired person for everyone aroud him started to cheer and celebrate the defeat of the slime.

Tsuna watched the other heros approach the two boys and commented although both sides were different, Izuku was being lectured while the other boy was being told good job and getting pats on the back. Afterwards Tsuna followed Izuku discreetly and observed him,
"DEKU! I never told you to save me!" Katsuki approached Izuku and ranted for a bit and left
"Izuku go home and tell your mother I'm going to be late." Tsuna told Izuku and followed Katsuki.
"Eh?" Izuku stared dumb-struck at where Tsuna had suddenly appeared and disappeared.


"Hey! um... Kacchan-san!" Tsuna called out to the paranoid teen who glared at him.
"My name's not Kacchan!" For some reason Katsuki greatly reminded him of his right-hand man, Gokudera Hayato, both had explosive personalities (A/N: Pun intended), seemed to act like a delinquent but smart... and both of them were scary.

"Could I ask you why you're so angry at Izuku-kun?" Tsuna saw Katsuki tense at that question,
"Isn't it obvious? No-one would want to be saved by Deku. He's weak, he's quirkless and he's Deku!!" Tsuna could see rage and hatred flashing through the blonde's eyes and frowned.
"Kacchan-san, not all people are perfect. Even you aren't perfect. People are different but you make it seem like it's wrong to be different." Tsuna told the now calm teen,
"... What do you know about me, and why should I listen to you?" Katsuki felt as if he was being read by the petite brunette in front of him and felt uncomfortable,
"I don't know anything about you or Izuku, however I have experience with someone with a personality similar with and all that I wish is for you to be happy." Katsuki was shocked at what Tsuna said and snarled
"You're just a stranger! You know nothing about me!" Katsuki was beyond angry, he was completely furious.
"You're not supposed to help and why should I listen to you?!" Tsuna sometimes hated hot-headed people,
"Intuition." Tsuna smiled, he turned away to walk away
"...What's your name." Tsuna turned around to see a flicker of determination gleaming in Katsuki's eyes
"...Sawada Tsunayoshi." With that Tsuna swiftly walked away.


"Maybe I said a bit too much..." Tsuna sighed tiredly and continued to walk home, Tsuna was half-heartedly looking where he was going while thinking about all his friends.


"I'm sor-"






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