Chapter 12

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I woke up my head hurt. I saw Carlisle stood there.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"My head hurts." I mumble..

"I'll go get you something for that." He said. I nod. He was gone a second before Seth came in frantically dying sorry nd trying to explain something

"Seth slow down." I say.

"It was the other. Sam cam over to us. He said all sorts of crap bout you being a trader, a freek. He said you'll pay." Seth said. "We went back to the house and it was up in flames."

"Help me up." I growl. "Im going to kill him."

"You need to rest. Here." He handed me the box I had saved. "You jumped out a window for it so I kept it safe till you woke up." He smiled. I nod and he left. I open the box and saw all the photos and the locket. I close it and Carlisle came in. He hands me some pills and I took them. Billy cane and so did Jake. The Cullins watched over me but I didn't once see Emmet.

"Where did Emmet go?" I ask.

"Said he had to do something." Alice said.

"He went to deal with Sam." Rosalie said.

"Help me up." I say.

"You need to rest." Alice said. But Rosalie cane over and helped me up.

"We cant stop her so we might as well help her." She said. And they did. The helped me to the stream I saw emmet held down nu Paul and Sam. I pushed the two girls away and fassed. I jump on them ripping into the neck. Alice was getting Emmet out there. Paul came up behind me and bite into my jaw. He threw me into a tree and I whimper loudly. I fass back and pain erupted through my back. At least I was on the other aide of the stream.

"Hey. Its ok. Come on." Emmet went to pick me up but I whimper again.

"Here." Rosalie said. She handed me her scarf. She put it in my mouth. "Scream into this." Emmet moved me and that was what I did. Tears flooded down my face and I didn't dare move a muscle.

"Its ok. I got you." Emmet cooed and held me gently. He must have ran because we was at the house in only a couple seconds. "Carlisle!" He yelled. I whimper loudly. "Its ok." Carlisle followed by Jacob came out.

"What happened?" Jacob asked. Alice explained while Emmet took me inside with Carlisle.

"Put her down facing down." He said. Emmet did and Edward had to drag him out the room. "You spin looks slightly cracked." He said. I felt the prick of a needle. "This may hurt." He said. I felt as if I was being stretch. I hurt a lot. I screamed over and over until he stopped.

"No more." I cry.

"Its ok its over. You'll have to stay like this for a while." He said. I nodded. "Im extremely grateful. Imprint or not. You saved Emmet's life."

"Not for long. I'll kill him myself." I mumble.

"I'll go get him for you." Carlisle said. I smile slightly and he left the room.

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