Chapter 19

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I woke up the next day in Emmet's arms, wearing nothing but my underwear.

"Morning princess." He said.

"Morning. What day is it?" I ask.

"15th." He smiled. "Its 10am. You should sleep in for once." He said.

"Why? You'll be gone when I wake up." I sigh. I run my hand through my hair.

"After yesterday I'm not leaving your side." He said his face going back to the crook of my neck. I blush and he chuckles. "By the way Alice called she said she had to talk to you. I told her I would get you to ring her when you wake up." He said. I sigh and sit. up. I grab his hoody and slip it on. I didn't bother doing it up. I go over to the house phone and dialed Alice's number. I waited for a second before she answered.

"Riley I need to come over I saw it again. You with the baby but I know it was yours. I need to come over I need to talk to you without Emmett around for a moment. Tell him Jasper needs to talk to him. Its important. I'll be there as soon as I got what I need." Before I could say anything she hung up. I go back into my room.

"Jasper needs you he said it was important." I say. He sigh and got up. He kissed me softly and walked out. I changed. After a couple minutes Alice arrived with a plastic bag.

"Don't ask just take it." She said. I open the bag and saw a pregnancy test. I go to the bathroom and take it. So right now me and Alice are waiting for the timer to end.

"I can't be. I mean its not even been 24 hours." I say. There was a high pitch ding and I felt a pit in my stomach. "You tell me I don't think I can do it myself." She picked it up and looked at it.

"Its negative." She said. I look at her. She handed it to me and I look at the negative mark.

"I told you." I say and put it in the bin. Emmett came in and Alice hugged me before leaving.

"I'm going to go have a shower." I say and go to the bathroom.

*****Emmet's POV*****

I pick up some ribbish Alice left on the side. I went to put it in the bin when I saw a box and a pregnancy test. I pull it out and read the box. I look at the test. Positive. What the hell? Why didn't she tell me?

*****Riley's POV*****

I got out the bath and changed. I walked out to see Emmett leaning agents the side. Next to him was the test. I sigh and go over.

"Was you ever going to tell me?" He asked.

"What that Alice thought I was pregnant?" I ask.

"It says positive Riley. I should get to know if your having my child." He said.

"Its what?" I ask I pick it up and look at it. there sat a pulse. I just stair at it not believing it. "We are so dead."

"I don't care." Emmett smiled hugging me from behind. "I hope its a boy."

"How are you calm about this." I ask worry building up in me.

"What do you mean I thought you wanted kids?" Emmett asked.

"I'm 18. I'm not ready for kids." I say.

"I thought you didn't car as long as I was here." He said I could tell he was hurt.

"Emmett I love you and I did mean that but..I need some fresh air." I say. I walk outside and sit there for a second. I heard Emmett curse from inside. I walk towards the Collins house. I ignore everyone and go straight to Carlisle. Esme was with him in his study. I place the test on his desk.

"What am I supposed to do?" I say.

"Oh god." Esme said coming over.

"Tell me its fake." I say.

"I'm sorry Riley. Alice saw it. There is a high chance its true." He said.

"Carlisle I can't have a kid. I can barley look after myself. The werewolves will kill me for this and Emmett's acting like its the best thing in the world. What do I do?" I ask. Esme rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

"I don't know. I'm sorry Riley I'm still trying to figure out how you came back alive. This I can't help you with. Nothing like this has ever happened before." He said. "Go talk to Emmett." He said. I nod sadly and leave. 

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