Chapter 15

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Renesmee was in her last month of pregnancy and we have had to deal with the wolves 3 times since her 6th month. Renesmee was stressing out and Jacob we close to killing them all. I sat with Renesmee in the garden. The others had to feed and Jacob was doing god only knows what.

"Hey do you think me and Jacob will ever get married?" She asked.

"Where did that come from?" I ask. She raised a singel eye brow. "OK. I came see you getting married. I just dont see Bella being too happy about it."

"I hope we do." She smiled strocking her bump."What about yo and Emmet? When will you get married?" She asked.

"I don't know. We agreed that right now we're engaged. No more." I explain.

"Well why are you holding back? My mum got married and had a child by the time she was 19. Your life is going to fly by you got to grab what you want quickly. Before its forgotten or gone." She said getting up. "I'll be inside." I couldn't help but think about it. I go inside and just as I was about to walk into the room I saw her talking to Jacob. I saw him getting down on one knee and I smiled. I walked away and to mine and Emmets room. I pick up my guitar. I placed it down and went down stairs and found Bella sat at a piano.

"Hey what you doing?" I ask.

"I learned how to play something. But I need a voice." She said giving me a pleading look. "I know you don't like to sing because of you parents but please." She said. I sigh and sat next to her.

"What song?" I ask.

"Titanium." She said. I nod and she began to play. (vid) I took a deep breath and began Once finished I felt a tear slip down my face. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"I need some fresh air." I say and quickly leave. I run out the house taking deep breaths.

*****Jacob's POV*****

Everyone came out from where they was hiding.

"She's amazing." Esme smiled.

"She defiantly has strong lungs." Carlisle said.

"Why did she run out?" Alice asked.

"Well you know how her parents died in a car crash. They where going home from one of her performances. She thinks its her fault they died. They where the last person to hear her singing." I explain. "She hasn't sung since they died."

"I'll go talk to her." Alice said and left the room. Before anyone could speak we heard Riley scream. I jump up and race out the house. I ran to find Riley on the ground and bleeding from her head.

"What the hell?" I whisper. I took my top off and pressed it to her head.

"If we cant kill Renesmee we'll kill Riley." I heard a voice in my head. I look up to see a black wolf. Sam.

"I'll kill you!" I yell as he walked away.

"You can't protect them both." He said before running away. I pick Riley up and cradle her in my arms. I take her back to Carlisle. He took her and I went outside. I paced back and forth.

"Jacob?" I look over to Edward.

"I can't protect both Renesmee and Riley." I growl.

"Jacob we'll help but why are they after Riley?" He asked.

"I imprinted on Renesmee so they can't kill or harm her. Riley isn't even part of the pack. They could kill her but they want her to hurt first. They want to see me stressed and worried. Just because Renesmee is pregnant." I say and punch a tree. "I need you to help me. Protect them both and be alert all the time." I say.

"We will." He said before I heard him walking away. I look to the woods. Where the hell did Seth and Leah go?

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