Ashes and Ravens

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Gumball had worked inside the compound for who knows how long. when it all started he was lucky enough to be one of those privileged member of society that were evacuated and taken into safe communities.

Others were less lucky. he had heard of the tales of the outside. of the walking dead. of the biters that roamed the streets eating human flesh. It terrified him. he knew he would never make it out there. on his own and by himself. So he stayed at the compound.

The compound was a small community of fifty. Very nice people lived inside the compound and gumball loved each and everyone of them...but they were weak..He was weak.  And deep down, even though no one wanted to admit it to themselves... weak things died in this world.

Gumball was in charge of scientific and domestic affairs inside of the compound. Although he loved everyone who lived in the compound he liked to keep to himself. In some ways everyone had drawn a little more into themselves in the light of the given situation.  There was a time Gumball learned swordsmanship while he was an aristocrat in society, with the dream to be the prince of the competitive fencing world. But ever since the world died, titles like that didn't seem to matter and neither did dreams.  So he made himself valuable. he helped build a wall outside surrounding the community with cement reinforced with steel, with alarms. Gumball then helps design trappes for the walkers outside of the compound. Things like spike perimeter fences and ropes with bells surrounding the hunting areas. Of course, Gumball was only in charge of the design of them. He never wen outside to actually place them. It was deemed unsafe for him to go.

Inside the compound he was in charge of the greenhouse and the farm and trying to improve the standard of living (with things like running water, fresh vegetables, etc.). It helped some. Gumball didn't go on runs outside of the compound but there were many times that he was almost forced into doing so. Some of the males in the community thought that he was not carrying his weight like he should. Not that gender roles should matter in a apocalyptic society anyway, as Gumbal had stated.

He worked in the lab mostly nowadays. The community was secure enough that only melodramatic problems happened. Not enough fruit to make pies, a couple getting to frisky, property disputes, a love affair...things of that nature. Gumball didn't have time for any of those things. He was working on some sort of vaccine or antibiotic to counteract the zombie infection. so far he was able to create a simple injection that stopped the spreading of the virus in the blood system. but it was not a cure and could only be used within a couple hours within being bitten otherwise it would be useless. It was still a step in the right direction.

it was a good life, well being in a metal cage that is. there was a democracy here and most people followed the rules. Sometimes people stole too much chocolate out of the pantry and then they would be scolded, but other than that nothing bad really happened here.

All in all the compound was a nice and secure place. and the only evidence of the outside chaos was sometimes the persistent distant moaning from the walkers.

they were safe. all of them where. A good two years without incident. But then someone died.

and didn't tell anyone.

An old man preformed suicide in his own bathroom down the street from the makeshift school. he lived alone. no one knew what happened to him before he attacked his caretaker that comes by to give him his occasional meals. He turned and then a plumber then came to visit because the man had been complaining about the pipes. so on and so forth. Next thing we know, people are panicking. To add to the problem even more the volume of the chaos attracted more zombies to the compound. Which only lead to more panic.

There was little time to consider anything

"Gumball there is an emergency" A community officer, George ( Gumball knew all of them by name of course), announced  as he entered gumballs office threw the door. His voice sounded frantic and out of breath, Gumball could feel the terror in his words.

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