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Ok guys, 1,000 reads...I can't even right now!!!!
When I first made an account here, I never would have thought I would get one read, let alone 1,000.
So, thanks to everyone who helped me make it to this point, and it's now officially shout out time.
KeseanWiliams thanks Daniel, you're awesome even if you are stupid sometimes.
SG_optimus_prime you brought me a ton of luck OP, after we had that huge argument on that one chapter, this thing skyrocketed, so thanks for getting into a huge comment war with me 😊😊😊
ScorchleDragon all hail the Queen of Wattpad!!!!! Thanks for following me, and for being awesome!!!
NarrowLightingstrike you've consistently voted on this, so thanks for that, and I hope this gave you some enjoyment 😊😊😊
And thanks to everyone who read this, even if you didn't vote, you still decided to stick around this long, so I can't really complain!!!
And onwards we go, to even more stupid pictures and memes, and (hopefully) another 1,000 reads!!!!!


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