Chapter 5 Straddle This B**ch

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Love.. Tragic Or Not Tragic?

Dear Diary,

It's now October, One month since I let Lavon back into my life. In a week and a half it will be first week of November. November fifth is my birthday I'll be seventeen.
It's been up and down. He isn't happy that I put the same conditions on him that he did me on the porch that night one month ago. But honestly I'm fine with it. Mainly my friends are girls, so whatever. His group was made up of guys and a few girls. I can't help but laugh at that, I mean I do love him, but still he isn't gonna control me.
Lavon is at my house tonight. Mom says that he needs to come here instead of me going there all of the time, and I think that's fair. Not sure how he feels about it.
This evening we are up in my room, with the door open, just talking. I'm sitting at my desk doing a paper for English class, and he's sitting beside me at an angle. He's trying to distract me.
"Seriously Lavon! Let me get this done first." He plants a soft kiss on the side of my neck. So again I push him away, but laughing.
"You need to hurry. How long does it take to write a paper anyways?"
"You would know if you actually done your work. How are you graduating? You never have homework."
"I'm just awesome like that." He says smiling down at me.
"Well Mr I'm just awesome like that go sit somewhere else so I can finish up with this work, or I'm gonna fail this assignment."
"Yeah, yeah. Okay." He walks over and stretches out on my bed. I just shake my head and laugh at him silently.

It only takes me thirty minutes to finish my paper, after Lavon left me alone. Now we're eating pizza in my room on the bed. He is resting his back against the headboard and my back is resting on his front, his chest. It feels good. I finish my slice of pizza and move the box over to my night stand.
"So any plans or are we just gonna stay in for the night?"
"We can stay in. Nothing at the movies, no parties to go to." He shrugs.
"I wish that their was more to do around here. This town is to small. I want to go to collage away from this town here in Maine."
"I don't think so. You'll stay here with me if I have any say in it, which I do."
"That's what you think babe. If I decide to leave from here for another collage, I will!" I look back at him very seriously.
He just shakes his head. "We'll see." Is all that he says, and he's starting to make me mad. I can see it in his eyes he thinks I will be a kept woman when it comes to that day. Well he has a big surprise coming to him, if he really thinks that.
I take a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm down. I don't feel like arguing right now. "You want to watch a movie why we are sitting here?"
"Sure. Find something good to watch. Imma go get some popcorn from down stairs. We can have our own little movie theater right here."
"Yeah, I don't think my mom will go for that." I giggle. He stands up and leans down and kisses me. It's an open mouth kiss, filled with the words I want you. I kiss him back just as fierce, then I break it off. I smile up at him and watch as he walks out the room to go downstairs to get our popcorn. Believe it or not diary, we still haven't had sex, and I'm happy that I can control that. I smile to my self.

The next week at school is okay. Lavon is being an ass. I'm grumpy and just want to talk with my friends at lunch, but when he gets in his moods they decide to sit somewhere else. I can't blame them really, it's just ticking me off. He just doesn't know!
He goes to sit with his crowd at their regular table and I sit beside him. This is going to be a horrible ,but interesting thing.
"Hey Lavon. What you been up to haven't seen much of you around lately?"
" Just chillin with my girl. We've been going out places a lot."He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him.
"We're all going out to the mall later L. you should come with." The girl in his group named Sarah says, thinking that she has a chance with him. Yeah right.
He goes to open his mouth and I elbow him lightly in his side. He knows the rules. If he wants to play he has to follow them. He looks over at me, the look is one to say he's gonna have words with me later. I shrug.
I answer her instead. "Sorry Sarah, but he has better things to do today, with me!" I try to be nice about it, but I think that some of the sarcasm came out in my tone of voice. I smirk.
I get up dump my tray and head over to where lacy and my cousin Lila is sitting. He better pick his mood up and get over here or I'm gonna have words with him later.
"So Rave, your birthday is in three days. What's the plan? Big party, small one,movies dinner, come on we have to have some fun!"
"If Lavon is okay with it I'm thinking maybe a good size party would be cool. I love dancing." I say and we three giggle.
As we sat there discussing my party, Lavon walks over. He seems to have gotten over himself. He straddles the bench of the lunch room table facing me so that he can get closer to me. One hand rests on my thigh while the other one rubs my lower back. Little does he know that is really relaxing, the rubbing my back thing. I sigh. Everyone looks at me. Oops. Must of sighed out loud. I blush slightly, and try to get the focus off me.
"So, Lavon you okay with having a big party at your house for my birthday in three days?" I ask staring into his eyes.
"Shouldn't be a problem. Your friends gonna be decorating and stuff?"
"Yes we are. When we're done it's gonna be the party that everyone talks about for years to come." Lacy says smiling, and satisfied with herself.
"Sounds good to me then. Who's invited?" He asks.
"Uhhh... I guess whoever wants to come that you don't mind coming to your house." I answer nervously, since we have this whole claim thing going on. I really wish he would get over that. Now I sigh mentally.
"Okay than, I'll do the inviting. This should be fun." He turns and winks at me.
In ten minutes we're back in class and the day drags. I can't wait to get out of school today.
I'm walking out to Lila's car when Lavon catches up with me. He pulls me into his arms.
"Want to ride with me today. Go to my place for a while?" He whispers in my ear. I shiver as I feel his breath on me.
"Yeah. I gotta go let Lila know what's up. Be right back." I head over to Lila. "Hey I'm gonna catch a ride with Lavon and go to his place for a while, do you care to let mom know?"
"Sure, no problem. I'll let her know, and be good Rave but have fun." She laughs as she backs out of the parking lot. I just smile and wave at her while I head over to Lavons car, and get in.
Once at his place, we fix up some sandwiches, chips, and soda. Then sit down on the couch. We cuddle and watch television.
I wake up an hour later. I must have fallen asleep while watching television. I'm in the bed. Lavons not in here with me, so I get up to go see where he is. I'm gonna have to leave soon anyways. I walk to the door, but before I open it I hear voices coming from the living room. It sounds like Lavon a guy and a girl. My face flames. He knows the damn rules. I straighten up, and walk out of the bed room and into the living room. Mark and Sarah are here, and Sarah is a little bit to close to Lavon than I like. They don't here me approach until the last moment. I wrap my arms around Lavons waist and stretch up to kiss him. Just a brush on the lips. Oh yes Sarah, I'm putting my Mark on him. I staked my claim. She backed off from him. There I accomplished that deed for today. Now to figure out why they're even here, especially her.
"So, whats going on Lavon?"
"You fell asleep and when I carried you to the bed, not long after these two showed up. They're wondering if they can come to your birthday party? What do you think?"
"I guess, but me and you privately are going to have to work out some issues for that night."
"Yeah, I figured we were gonna have to." He says hugging me close to him, and there is some warning in that hug.
Thirty minutes later, they left. I'm supposed to be going home but I called to say I'd be a little late. Lavon And I have to talk.
"So Mr. You claimed me. How's this going to work cause their will be guys and girls here?"
"We'll let it play out and if there is something we don't like we tell each other or something. Let's not talk, you have to go soon, spend time with me."
"Fine, what would you like to do?"
His answer Is to pull me up beside him. He touches each side of my face and brings his lips down on mine. He moans into my mouth and I get a shiver down my spine. He really can kiss.

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