Time To Go

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Wonwoo felt a heaviness inside of him. He stared at the curtains in his room, hoping they would somehow save him from this sad reality. He could hear his parent's voices from downstairs telling Bohyuk to take boxes out the front so they were ready to be packed away. He heard footsteps walking up the stairs and soon his door creaked open.

"Wonwoo," His mother's voice surrounded his room, her voice was soft, angelic. Wonwoo knew she was no angel though. "Wonwoo you have to wake up soon. We're leaving in a couple of hours and if you don't get up I don't know what your father would do to you." His Mum left the room and went back downstairs. Wonwoo sat up on his bed, this time staring at his wardrobe.

He looked around his room and noticed all the boxes with his belongings in them. His Mum has been packing up his things because he didn't want to. He just wanted to stay with Mingyu. He got off his bed and went to have a hot shower which would be his last in South Korea. He embraced the shower and replayed many memories of him and Mingyu together. Both the sad and happy times. A smile grew on his face as he was escaping his reality and enjoying himself.

The water started turning cold, Wonwoo's smile slowly disappeared and soon he was back in a gloomy, cold state. He turned the running water off, dried himself and put some warm clothes on. He went to his bed and fell on it. It seemed like he was laying there for hours with countless thoughts running through his mind but for some reason he couldn't recall any of them. Wonwoo broke out of his trance when he heard his Mum yell out to him that they were leaving in half an hour. Wonwoo groaned and slowly sat up, he took in the image of his room and imprinted it into his mind so he would never forget the memories that were created. He made his way down the stairs and he couldn't help but notice how bland the whole house looked. Everything was packed away. There were no house decorations, ornaments, furniture or rugs. It reminded Wonwoo of an abandoned house except this one was old, broken or ruined.

When Wonwoo walked out the front door he was greeted with the bright afternoon sun which blinded his sight. He held up a hand to block the bright light and finally looked at his surroundings. A couple of neighbours were saying their farewells to his family but he disregarded all the neighbouring families except for one. He ran up to Mingyu and gave him the most lovable hug a boyfriend could give his man, tears were violently running down his cheeks and he could hear Mingyu muffling his cries into Wonwoo's shoulder. Wonwoo looked past Mingyu, while still in the hug, and noticed his parents and Mija. They all had teary eyes and sad expressions on their faces knowing how much Wonwoo meant to their family, especially to Mingyu.

"I don't want you to go," Mingyu said through hiccups as he pulled away from the hug to stare into Wonwoo's eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much, we'll still be able to text each other though and call each other. We can pretend like we're right beside each other until we finally get to meet again." Mingyu was smiling throughout his sentence but it faulted when he knew it wouldn't work. Both of the boys didn't know how long it would be until they would finally meet again, they didn't know if they would still love each other or even remember each other.

Wonwoo caressed Mingyu's cheek and gave him a small smile. "I don't know when I'l ever see you again but I will never forget you. I-I think it's best if - if we e-end--" Wonwoo got cut off by his own tears and Mingyu gave him a hug, understanding where he was coming from. Mingyu knew his parents would do anything to make him forget about their relationship.

"Don't say it, I don't want to hear the words either. This isn't a goodbye forever, it's a see you later." Mingyu whispered into Wonwoo's ear which made him cry even louder. The pain the two boys were going through at that moment was unbearable, they both knew the heartaches would last until they're reunited. Wonwoo gradually parted from Mingyu and walked over to his parents and Mija.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I want to thank you. For how well you've treated me, for not discriminating me and being a loving family to me. I can't put it into words how loved and respected I have felt while knowing both of you." Wonwoo said through chocked words as he tried to hold back his tears. Mrs. Kim couldn't help but burst into tears and give Wonwoo a big hug.

"You make Mingyu and our family so happy," Mrs. Kim said as she recollected herself. "I can't believe how devastating and painful this is seeing you go." She finished off as her tears continued pouring out. Mr. Kim walked up to Mingyu and also gave him a strong hug once Mrs. Kim was done. The two parents felt like they were losing a child.

Wonwoo started to walk over to Mingyu until he was stopped by Mija who was just saying her goodbyes to Bohyuk. She gave Wonwoo a warm smile before she cracked and cried a bit. He gave Mija a long, comforting, hug hoping she realised how much he treasured her. 

"I'm going to miss you." Mija whispered, almost inaudible, to Wonwoo.

"I'm going to miss you too Mija."

They hugged for a bit more before Mija went back to Bohyuk. Wonwoo walked off to Mingyu and gave him a long and loving kiss while embracing him. Their arms were wrapped tightly around each other not wanting to let go. No words were shared in fear that they would break down in tears and soon, it was time. They shared a couple more loving kisses before Wonwoo had to part with the man of his dreams.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive, I'm going to miss you so much and I just don't think I'll be able to cope without you around and I just love you so much Mingyu." Wonwoo sincerely stated through warm tears. Mingyu was crying now too.

"I love you so much too and I'm going to miss you every day. I'm going to miss everything about you but I will never forget anything about you. Jeon Wonwoo, I will never forget the man I love." Mingyu sweetly said. They shared one last kiss before Wonwoo was being forced to get in the car by his Father. 

"Remember it isn't goodbye Mingyu." Wonwoo quickly shouted while he could still see Mingyu in his sight. Mingyu let out a small smile, remembering his own words that he said just minutes ago.

Wonwoo got in the car and once he was faced away from Mingyu he didn't dare look back at him. He didn't want to see the man he loves slip away from him and he didn't want to feel any more pain than he already did. They drove away as his Father was bickering on about something to do with the neighbours but Wonwoo couldn't care less.

"Wonwoo! Are you listening to me? Not only did you leave you boyfriend back there but you dignity as well! Now the whole neighbourhood knows about your relationship. Thank God we got out of there just in time!" His Dad said. Wonwoo was too tired and distraught to fight back and decided to try and sleep until he got to the airport. He could feel how puffy his eyes were and he knew he looked terrible but he wanted to forget this terrible moment.

Before he drifted off to sleep he reminded himself once more that it was not a goodbye, and instead, a see you later. 


Wow that was sad ;-;

Is it the end? No.

One more chapter to go :D

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