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Five years have passed. 

Five years since Jeon Wonwoo has stepped foot in South Korea.

Five years since Kim Mingyu felt at pure bliss.

Five years is the time it took to meet once again.

Wonwoo got into the car, leaving the airport behind. He felt happy to be back in his home country. He missed South Korea a lot, he missed his friends that made him happy and the peaceful environment which they brought to him, he missed the wonderful food that filled his mouth with joy with every single bite, the beautiful surroundings of this country and Kim Mingyu. He missed him so dearly that it hurt but one question always lingered on his mind. Is Kim Mingyu still his? 

This seemed to be a fear that slowly crept into his brain. Thoughts told him Mingyu didn't want him anymore or he found someone else that he is happier with. Wonwoo felt anxiety bubble within him, his fear starting to get the better of him, changing his mood a tiny bit sour. He knew one day this fear would prove itself once he saw Mingyu. It would either give him great relief or eat him up.

"You look tense, and worried, and scared, and tense." The driver, an old friend of Wonwoo who brought him joy, then pain, then friendship, commented. Joowon had one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear stick, his hair was shiny and pushed back. Some strands falling off the side and out of place. Wonwoo noticed how mature he has become, his face and body taking shape of a masculine man and his personality is now caring and friendly. If anyone met him now no one would've thought he did such terrible things to Wonwoo.

"Just thinking about stuff." Wonwoo whispered to him and looked at him. Joowon quickly glanced his way and gave him a small, reassuring, smile. He moved his hand from the gear stick to the middle of Wonwoo's thigh and gave it a bit of a squeeze. A comfort squeeze, one that told him everything will be alright and Joowon would be there for him as a friend no matter what.

"Don't worry about it too much. Of course he misses you! He's changed though, well according to Suwoong. He told me he saw him the other day and said hi but his aura felt gloomy. I guess you leaving really impacted him. I know Mingyu loves you more than he did before, you guys are literally inseparable! I mean you look at you, coming back to South Korea after five years, still in love with Kim Mingyu, wanting to see him. That's determination." Joowon said in a positive manner and felt himself happy knowing the two boys will be together again soon.

"Determination? More like that's love." Wonwoo stated with a chuckle and looked out of his window.

Mingyu was sitting in his apartment with his friends playing with his fingers. He's full of hope, knowing he will see Wonwoo again soon and the thought made him smile. He also hoped he still loves him after five years because during those five years Mingyu was restless, upset and tired. He longed to have Wonwoo in his arms, covering his face in kisses, sharing intimate moments together. His thoughts were disturbed by a loud yell from Jun.

"THE PIZZA IS HERE! I REPEAT THE PIZZA IS HERE!" Jun yells in celebration, Minghao was next to him shaking his head and trying to control him.

"Instead of screaming about the pizza being here you should go and open up the door so we can eat it!" Minghao stated and poked Jun's arm. Jun whispered a sorry and rubbed the side of his arm where Minghao poked it. Jihoon went to the door to answer it and as soon as he opened it he had to strain his neck and look up because the pizza guy was a couple of heads taller than him. Some of the boys laughed at him and others just smiled, including Mingyu. Jihoon payed the guy and walked in with boxes full of pizza. The stack of boxes was that big that they went above his head.

When the pizza boxes were placed on the table everyone turned into seagulls and started attacking the pizza slices. Chan noticed Mingyu was staying still and he knew what was going through his mind. Mingyu talked about how he felt to everyone but it never helped him and Chan knew the only person who could help is Wonwoo. Chan grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza to give to Mingyu. 

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