Chapter 31 - Sean

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"Jack?" I break the silence.
He responds with a simple hm.
"Please tell me what happened"
He stays quiet for a bit, but then sighs.
"You already know what happened, don't make me remember all that shit"
"It's not that. What happened this time. Was it hallucinations, memories, dreams, anything like that?"
"I know you hate this, but I have to push you"
He sighs again. I feel bad but he won't talk to me if I don't do this.
"Talk to me"
He still doesn't answer.
"Jac--...." I shouldn't. But I have to. "Sean"
"Please don't" I hear his voice cracking.
I hate this. Why couldn't we just have a normal life? Why did that have to happen to a beautiful person like Jack?
"I'm so used to calling you Jack" I take a deep breath. "I hate it"
His grip tightens a bit when I say that but then it gets back to before.
He needs to hear it.
He's trying not to sob.
"Sean" I take another deep breath. "Sean" Please break. "I hate Jack"
"I hate this 'you', I want Sean back"
I sigh. "The old Sean... The Sean who was nice, who was kind and who spoiled all of his friends and had this rule that made us all laugh, of never kissing a girl until their third date. I miss him so much. I miss him everyday. I missed him so much that I couldn't even look at YouTube channel anymore. I still miss him like that. Don't you?"
Jack bursts out crying.
"Of course I do! Fuck Mark I swear to god I do! Do you even know how many times I've cried myself to sleep because of this douchebag I've become?"
My eyes widden. I can't believe this. He broke. He finally broke.
"I wanted to hear you say my name for so long, fuck"
I start crying. I have him back. I finally brought Sean back. He's finally here with me again.
I grip him tighter as he does the same.
Finally, my best friend is back, the boy I fell in love with is back. I finally can hold him again.
The cold tears streaming down my face give me chills as I feel them against my warm reddish face. I close my eyes in peace, I've been waiting for this for so long.
"I love you so much, Sean"

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