Chapter 17 - Class

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I wake up to an unknown scent. It's nice and smoothing, but I don't know what it is.
I yawn, looking up. I jump when I realise the scent was Jack's and I slept on his chest. He was still sleeping so I didn't wake him up.
What time is it?
My phone was all the way on the other side of the room, so I look for Jack's.
Where the fuck is his phone?
I suddenly feel something grabbing my waist and pulling me down.
"Good morning beauty" a sleepy voice said. I look behind me and it's Jack. His morning voice was kind of faded and hoarded.
It's kinda hot.
Okay, really hot.
"Good morning" I say, as I try to get up.
"Where do you think you're going? I wanna snuggle for a bit"
He pulled me into his arms and rested his head on my neck.
It's nice I've got to admit.
Just not the time. Or the person.
"Jack, we have classes today"
"Forget classes, you have me"
He said the last part right in my ear, slowing it down a bit, teasing me.
"Now's not the time Jack, c'mon get up"
"Why should I?" He started planting kisses on my neck.
Okay, I can trick him into getting up.
"Yea?" He said, still kissing my neck.
"If you attend to every class of today, I'll give you a special treat when we get here"
He stops in a flash and looks at me.
He's like a little pup.
"Of course. Now go get ready"
He nodded and got up.
I got up as well, and walked up to my phone. I picked it up and looked at the time.
7:26. We have time.
I went through my stuff and took out a black bra and black panties, not that I would be needing to match, but it was nice. Then I took out black jeans and a red hoodie. I won't be taking my sweater off, so I don't need a t-shirt underneath.
I head to the bathroom, where Jack is and knock on the door.
"You ready?"
"Almost, but you can come in if you'd like"
I roll my eyes and head to my bed.
I notice I'm in Jack's t-shirt.
How embarrassing.
But I take it off and take off my bra, putting on my black one. Then I put on my hoodie. I then get dressed, you know the drill.
"Jaaaack" I knock on the door.
"I need to get ready, hurry up!"
"You can come in, I told you"
I roll my eyes and go in. At this point I don't care, I just want to get ready.
He's sitting on the toilet, dressed, brushing his teeth.
I was not expecting this.
I take out my brush from my bag and start brushing my hair.
I then take out my makeup and put on some mascara and do a winged eyeliner look. I take out my toothbrush start brushing my teeth.
By this time, Jack was already done and was waiting for me.
When I'm done, I head to my bead and put on some socks and my black vans.
"You ready?" I say, as I look over to Jack, who's playing on his phone. He gets up and nods.
I grab my phone and check the time.
7:59. We still have time.
"Wanna go grab something to eat?"
Jack says, smiling at me.
"Yeah, that'd be nice" I smile back.
He grabs my hand and we walk out the door. He rushes to the elevator and presses 0.
"Don't you wanna call Mark?"
"He's probably still asleep, let him be"
Okay I guess.


I wake up yo the sound of my cellphone.
I get up and grab some clothes.
I wonder how Jack is.
I want him so much.
He wants y/n.
He thinks I want y/n.
Y/n hates him, but likes me.
Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. We're in a freakin' triangle
I want Jack, Jack wants y/n, y/n wants me.
Oh my god, frick this.
I'll tell Jack I love him and end this.
My roommate is already out so I head over to the bathroom and brush my teeth and style my hair. I then wash my glasses and put them on.
I'm ready.
I go to my bed and put on some shoes and head outside. I check my phone.
7:58. Jack's probably awake by now.
As soon as I look up, I see Jack holding y/n's hand and leading her to the elevator. Y/n looks like she's talking. But they enter the evelator.
Did they forget about me?
Did Jack tell y/n he likes her?
I shake my head.
I'm probably just over-reacting. I need some breakfast.
I head down the hall and press the elevator button. After a bit, I get in the elevator and press 0.
Starbucks or college's cafeteria?
Probably cafeteria, I don't wanna risk being late.

~~~~~~~~~ le time skip ~~~~~~~~~
[In class]

Y/n walked in class and sat in the same spot as yesterday, Jack followed up behind her and sat next to her. I was next to my roommate, on the other side of the room.
"So, what's your name?"
"Mark Fischbasch. Yours?"
"Felix Kjellberg"
"Yea, I'll just call you Felix"
He laughed a bit and added. "And I'll just call you Mark."
We spent all class talking and getting to know each other.
He seems a pretty cool guy.
Some times I would glance over to Jack's desk and would catch him staring at y/n.
I'm so freakin' jealous.
He looks like a little pup.
He could be my pup.
I sigh, thinking about Jack and me.
"So, girlfriend problems?" Felix says as he nudges my arm. "Not girlfriend, but problems". Felix rests his chin on both of his hands and looks to the board again.
"Starbucks after school? I wanna hear everything about it"
"Sure" I say as I take a quick glimpse of y/n and Jack and look back at the board.

So Complicated ( Jacksepticeye x reader ) ( markiplier x reader ) ( septiplier )Where stories live. Discover now