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Edwards POV

I couldn't believe my eyes
the love of my life standing right there in front of me...but why is she with them? and why is she protecting that little didn't make sense at all.

I then listened into the little girls thoughts

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I then listened into the little girls thoughts

( please don't hurt me....I'm not an Immortal)

(I love my mommy)

she then looked up at Bella and whimpered

The Little girl had Bella's chocolate Brown eyes impossible, and her hair Bronze just like mine, I swear she looks like me.

Bella looked at her and started comforting the little girl...she didn't even notice our presence yet...

10 seconds later after comforting the little girl she looked up at us and gasped....

then she done something I thought she'd never do to us, she death glared us...

I looked around to see a blonde woman guarding the little girl from behind a man with hair like Bella's standing on the other side of her with a petite woman that looked like Bella on the other side of him.... the girl seemed to be holding hands with a man in a suit... he kind of looked like Bella also.

Aro then cleared his throat

"I have come to destroy the Immortal child" he said to the battalion in front of us

Bella seemed to grip to the girl holding her Protectively
and death glared Aro"

Then the Man next to Bella
cleared his throat.

No you ain't she is not a threat to human kind and if you even try to take her away from us I will not hesitate to rip you to shreds and use your head as a trophy..... he said to Aro.

Fine..... it's the hard way then.... Aro smirked at the crowd.

I will not let you harm my daughter Bella growled at Aro

Her eyes turned gold and she looked deadly.

( I know this is Elena but imagine it's Bella)

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( I know this is Elena but imagine it's Bella)

My family and I stiffened....

I was now listening to my family's thoughts

Omg i can't believe it it's Bella omg she looks good ......Alice

Is that Bella wait no it can't be
can it......Esme

Bella has a child..... Rosalie

Her emotions are everywhere.
she feels love towards that little girl, Betrayal, and pain Edward
...... Jasper

are those fangs fascinating.....Carlisle

Oh my God its Belly Boo.... Emmett

Aro then summoned Jane....

Jane" he yelled.

Yes Master....she answered

Take care of her he said to Jane.

Just as Jane was about to unleash her powers I charged at her...

I started banging her to the grown with all my might...

Then as expected I could feel two hands pulling me back.... Alec.

He threw me against the ground and started throwing me against the ground....

He now had my head .I could feel my limbs being pulled off me...

This is it I'm going to die... I thought...

then a blurred figure came towards us and ripped Alec off of me....

She banged him to the ground and bit his neck and threw him to the ground.

It was Bella.........

She pulled me up off the ground and helped me to my feet...

My family just stood there shocked as Bella supported me i felt sooo weak...

I looked around and Noticed the girl that looked like Bella was cradling the little girl Bella was protecting.

Bella then looked up at Aro and hissed.

If you want to live I suggest you leave now....she spat..

What do you mean Isabella we are the most powerfulest Coven in the World Caius Replied.

Bella then Chuckled.

Look your powers don't work on me nor my family because we are the original family, the first vampires that were ever created,

she yelled and my family and I gasped.

We are not leaving we came for the child!!!! Marcus screamed...

That will never happen... she growled

Davina..... she yelled

Out came a beautiful young girl with black hair and brown eyes...

What is she gonna do she's only human" Aro laughed

That's what you think " Bella laughed.

the girl then started talking some sort of foreign language and the entire Volturi guard were all on there knees screaming including Aro...

What's going on ? I asked her

Davina isn't just a human she's a witch and a powerful one... she said to me.

Aro and the rest of the guard were now begging the girl to stop...

And with a flick of her fingers it was now over.

Bella quickly went to Alec bit her own skin and forced Alec to drink it so he could heal....

She then  laughed and her and the other vampires seemed to be looking in there eyes telling them to leave and never bother them ever again... and they obeyed....

Bella then skipped to the little girl and held her in her arms....

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